What’s the use?: Basho’s Poetics


Bunjin is referred to as an intellectual who lives in literature, prefers creative solitude, appreciates arts and natural beauty. Basho was one of those bunjin but was painfully aware of their lack of practicality and asked himself and fellow artists the question: What’s the use of pursuing your artistic ambition? Basho cast a doubt on blind accolades to charming references to Chinese classics or natural beauty. He looked at the reality of human existence. 



You know how sadness comes over
When hearing a monkey scream
You know how autumn winds blow
On this poor little orphan child?

猿の声に悲しみを詠む人よ 捨子に秋の風が吹きつけている これはどういうことだ

Artist’s Way
He addressed a typical attitude of bunjin, who usually associates hearing monkey screams with sadness based on an old Chinese story. This association is a popular cliche, but he asked himself if the artist’s rhetorical references can ever give any insight to existential reality right in front of their eyes. You have nothing to offer to a poor little orphan on the street. He reminds fellow artists of the fact that being an artist is like a lamp in broad daylight. He refers to his own position as follows:



my artistic, stylistic efforts are nothing more than a warm stove in summer and a cooking fan in winter. 


Well aware of this fact, he lived a truly artistic life. He understood that being an artist is regarded as useless in the general sense of the bottom line of business, but it is beyond practicality that an artist survives by pushing boundaries and by exploring their own art form in the way that:


Saigyo explored  artistic horizons with waka; Sougi with collaborative poetry (renga); Sesshu with ink and wash painting; Rikyu with tea. They all devoted themselves to figuring out how their artistic insights manifest in their own art form.


Some people regard your efforts as useless and never appreciate what you’ve been doing, while others know how you make a difference and how you inspire people because you’re beyond the accepted. With this in mind, put a little more faith in what you devote yourself to.

Maverick in Style: Basho’s Poetics


Since serenity and simplicity are characteristic to his later works, especially in his most popular traveling journal, Oku no Hosomichi, and are often associated with Basho’s prominent style, many people might be surprised to find how dramatically his style evolved before his embark on his journey into the North.

Stylistic Evolution

His early works went through some literary experiment. He started with applying traditional motives to haiku, which was a popular style called the Dan-rin school. Sometimes lines from 11th-century songs and other times phrases from old Chinese texts were taken. It was so unconventional and interesting a mix that people soon considered it to be a next generation of thing, and Basho well established his position as a leading poet.

As he got intrigued more with Taoism, whose core ethical concepts include harmony with the natural universe, spontaneity and effortless action, Basho started to stay away from fame, gossips and exuberance, and accordingly his stylistic change became obvious. He tried making more reference to old Chinese texts, then he got more involved in its principles.

Artistic Ambition

What he started to explore was more intimate description of human feelings and symbolic use of what’s around one’s day-to-day life. As he looked at existential reality he needed to incorporate the depiction of human existence into a really short form of poem. Then, inevitably he found it necessary to be truly honest about artistic ambition and live a life that is compatible with an art form he tried to pursue. This attitude was appallingly different from that of the mainstream poets. This is why his style was referred to as Foo-kyo, or a creative fit, a creative flu.

Artists pursue what they believe are great while doing away with what is believed to be popular. They always struggle to find a place in the world where they can feel right. Their own unique style shines bright in itself but when it comes to commercial success they face an issue of general acceptance. Basho himself got down from a highway of life and started to cruise at his own speed in a truly artistic lane.


Oars creaking
Water splashing
Chilled to the bone
At night
In tears

櫓を漕ぐ軋むような音 波立つ水の音を聞くにつけ 身体の芯まで凍えるようなこんな夜は 涙がこぼれるよ

Loneliness and Snow: Lyricism of Kokinshu


When snow carpets the ground, your lives seem shut off from the rest of the world. No one dares to visit you in the mountains. Having no contact with the outside world, you seem like inexistent. Here is a short poem from Kokinshu, another old anthology dating back to the 10th century, describing that kind of sentiment.

雪降りて 人もかよはぬ 道なれや あとはかもなく 思ひ消ゆらむ

ゆきふりて ひともかよはぬ みちなれや
あとはかもなく おもひきゆらむ

The snow-covered garden, with no prints or dots
On the front path leading to my place
There is hardly a trace left of my thoughts

When snow shields you from access, you feel like your existence gets muted, blanketed and swept away. You eat and sleep but your life seem to have nothing to do with affairs other people concern themselves with. Even your thoughts get scattered in the silence and lose a tie to what you have been through.

We place relationships at the center of human existence and are expected to interact with the world — be present. However, solitary activities do help deepen our connection to our own life.

Snow provides us with a mental cushion from the external stimulation, and some space we need to reflect. As invisible to others as they are, you can incubate the ideas, reconnecting ourselves with our experiences and desires. Let the silence settle.

Yugen and Snow Falling Through the Branches: Lyricism of Kokinshu


When you are waiting for someone to come so long and getting so nervous that every tiny bit of sign seems to indicate the arrival. At the times when aristocratic houses were not fully enclosed by the walls, the wintertime was especially hard to get through. People took note of any signs indicating warmer springtime. The following is a cute description of taking snowflakes for blossoms.


ふゆごもり おもひかけぬを このまより
はなとみるまで ゆきぞふりける

Everything is curled up in the winter cold
There you see falling snow through the branches
As flowers are always a joy to behold

Describing the act of watching snow falling on and on, the song conjures up all the relating imagery: the cold wind that finds its way into the room, the sunlight glaring off the snow and ice, snowflakes drifting down from the trees and snow occasionally plopping onto the ground.

“Yugen” is a concept that is defined as the enigmatic profoundness or simple, tranquil beauty that avoids gaudiness and is implicitly discerned in an austere but refined manner.

All the hustle and bustle of the New Year’s are a bit away and silence brooded on. Reality gets dissolved into the silence.

New Year’s and the Snow: Manyo (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves)


Manyo-shu is the oldest anthology of short poems (waka, directly translated as short songs) in Japanese history, including 20 volumes and 4,536 short poems and Chinese verse. This huge collection ends with the following poem.


あたらしき としのはじめの はつはるの
きょうふるゆきの いやしけよごと

On this New Year’s day
As auspicious snow falls on and on
May joys be blooming on our way

For some people snow brings refreshing feel of a white, sparkly winter wonderland and sweet reminiscences of their childhood while for others it’s all about permanently runny nose and flushed cheeks as well as curing up in oversized sweater and keeping shoveling the snow.

This song is written on the New Year’s day, 759, with provincial governors greeting the Ministry building. Ohtomo no Yakamochi, the leading poet from Manyo-shu, wrote it and was arguably one of the editors.

Snow was then believed to be an auspicious sign. Some people still have a positive attitude towards occasional snowfalls but for others it’s just another sign of a cold, bleak winter. People, centuries ago, seem to see something special in a change of the weathers, and of the years. We still learn how differently people see things happening from day to day.

First Love and Toson Shimazaki :Spring Dreams

島崎藤村『若菜集』詩「初恋」英語訳(English Translation)

Spring dreams are enchanting, whether they be reminiscence of good ol’ days or aspirations for days to come. This daydream-like poem has made Toson Shimazaki (1872-1943) a poet remembered by many Japanese people.

This poem, “First Love”, contains all we need to get connected with childhood memories, especially of puppy love. The change of hairdo marks a coming of age. A thrill comes by recognizing a slight change in the look of your love interest particularly when it indicates maturity. An act of giving and receiving strengthens intimacy.


The third stanza is quite unique for its sensual tone. It represents growth of love as the stanzas proceed. From an exchange of gaze to gifts, and now the physical distance doesn’t get in the way developing a closer bond.


This poem, First Love, is not just a poem of puppy love but has achieved Japanese phonetic and rhythmic perfection. Fixed number of syllables and phonetic repetition have made this poem  elegant and easy enough to recite, which is why this poem is remembered by so many people.


We can’t live in a daydream. We need to live this moment and live on our lives. Our lives, however, get hard and we sometimes feel disintegrated, fragmented and trapped in negativity. Daydream helps us reconnect with what we have deep down, which sustains us and helps us survive with its magic to unwind our strained thoughts and views on what surrounds us and to shed light on what we hoard in the back of our mind. Those colors of green and red of apple trees, those pain and joy, those bonds you created with someone you really care. All comes up into light when you are in a daydream.







First Love

There you were under the apple tree
You look grown up overnight with your hairdo
And that flowery pin, in the full bloom of beauty,
Just took my breath away

You reached your hand so fair
To give me an apple growing ripe and red
As a token of your love, I do care
But didn’t know what it was like to love somebody

When I’m totally carried away
I’m afraid you might feel my breath on your hair
If my love is like a glass
Your love fills me with intoxicating mellowness

Under the apple trees runs what we call
The path – you ask me, even when you know the answer,
It looks well beaten, but who made it after all?
Which makes me love you more

Catch The Wind and Happy End: Spring Dreams

はっぴいえんど、歌詞(Lyrics)『風をあつめて』(English Translation)

Spring dreams are magical in that they provide nostalgic reminiscences for those remembering good ol’ days. “Catch the Wind” by Happy End (1969-1972), one of the most important rock bands in Japanese rock history, is remembered by many for its lyrical uniqueness.

The lyric definitely refers to Tokyo, its metamorphose around the 1964 Olympic games. The city landscape changed drastically, many of the tram ways gone, places connected to childhood memories lost or replaced with tall buildings. With smaller spaces for free play and more convenience, children less often played outside and people forgot how to slow down. All these nostalgia and reminiscences sigh aloud through this lyric in a really intricate and sophisticated way. Let’s look into each unique usage of vocabulary.

“Senobi” means stretching up in the hope of looking taller and more competent. This refers physically to extended streets or high rising buildings, figuratively urban people desperate to look sophisticated to impress people. “Tainted haze” refers to hazardous smogs as a result of hurried urban development. The tramway is referred to as a symbol of good old Tokyo. There were fewer and fewer spaces or services in Tokyo that people associated with a simple, slow and laid-back attitude towards life. This perception leads you to see a mirage with tramway cars crossing the sea, allowing you to feel connected to something lost. From the phrase, “an out-of-the-bed tramway”, you might feel the coolness and silence of the morning and see the mist, through which tramway cars make their way. Even the whole city blurs and get dissolved into the morning mist.


The city is an amalgam of different aspirations and experiences. We hope the city provides us with encounters and affluence which would hopefully make our life richer, but we sometimes dream about escaping from urban hustle-bustle. It’s described as an escape “into the blue sky” by means of the city “with crimson sails.” Contrast continues by comparing two different textures: “cracked glass” and “rustling of the skyscrapers.” All of these urban memories and frustration push us to catch something real. There comes the wind to have in our hands.


“Catch The Wind” is definitely one of the most important lyric works in Japanese modern rock history. With its well-crafted layout of familiar imagery and highlighted contrast, we can easily relate to this uniquely constructed world of magical words. This song was used in a 2004 movie, “Lost in Translation”, and there is much lost in translation when it comes to a song like this.


Catch The Wind

On the street run-down and pretentious
I was talking a walk
Through the tarnished draperies of haze
I saw an out-of-the-bed tramway crossing the sea
Well, that made me think of
Catching the wind, catching the wind
Taking wing into the sky
Into the sky

Through the morning glow
I was making my way
Over the dreary breakwater
I saw a city at anchor
With crimson sails set
Well, that made me think of
Catching the wind, catching the wind
Taking wing into the sky
Into the sky

At a coffee shop empty in the morning
I was sipping my cup empty
Through the cracked glass
I saw rustling of the skyscrapers
Surging over the pavements
Well, that made me think of
Catching the wind, catching the wind
Taking wing into the sky
Into the sky

Sea Roar: Spring Dreams

島崎藤村『若菜集』詩「潮音」英語訳(English Translation)

Toson Shimazaki (1872-1943) has been considered a founder of Japanese modern poetry. In this poem with beautiful imagery of the sea, not only did he sing about the arrival of spring but also ushered in the new era of poetry with subtle metaphor. So what’s behind the social change and subsequent arrival of the new era?

Just as the tides sweep in, creative minds and sources abound out there. Each of them has unique quality but has stayed dormant. Roars of the sea, rich and resonant, toll the arrival of the new season. Then comes a poetic statement to let open the outlet for new voices, which then merge into one big sonorous roar to let them heard.


This interpretation of mine definitely refers to artistic, social and political changes that often start with one small but sincere, powerful voice. Give a listening ear to voices around you, you will find likely-minded people and then make a difference in the world. Listen. Did you hear them speak out? Appreciating the broad and clear imagery and phonetics of this poem helps us stay generous and broad-minded and appreciate what spring brings.




Sea Roar

From deep waters
Tides rushing
Here and there
Harps singing
Never ceasing
Sonorously speaking
To the streams
And their waves
In the fullness of time
Deep notes wafting
In the clear air
Over the vernal sea

Exuberance and Kanoko Okamoto: Lost and Found

岡本かの子『老妓抄』和歌「年々にわが悲しみは深くしていよよ華やぐいのちなりけり」英語訳(English Translation)

Where does sadness come from? It doesn’t emerge only from the darkness. It is with exuberant vitality. Here we have Kanoko Okamoto (1889-1939), a novelist and a poet, with her powerful poetic statement.


Years pass.
Deeper sadness
Adds a touch of excess
Of existence.

Sadness is generally considered to be a harmful emotion. It is associated with those apparently downhearted and upsets others. It deprives you of vivacity and it is a particular state of mind that you must get out of by all means.


However, this song has achieved inspirational embrace of both sadness and happiness. The deeper sadness grows, the more vigorous life becomes. The more keenly you are aware of vivacity, the deeper you feel sadness. As you get old, everything, from misfortunes to exhilarations, adds to your experience. There’s a bunch of deep emotions, both bitter and sweet, experienced in seeing significant meanings that you were too young to perceive. The acuteness and graveness of sadness emboss and enrich your life. Deep wrinkles make your years of physical experience genuine and real.


Why is it that we feel abundance in seeing wind patterns on the barren desert dunes, bleak heights of the icy mountains? Rich history is alive and felt in the desolation. Abundance of life is also felt in the bleakness. Time you spent, voices you listened to and every possible scenario you speculated. All of these resonate loud and deep in the void left in your heart.


Some people show us that exuberance strikes sorrow into their heart. The world teems with vigour of people. Sadness surfaces when you recognize there are so many different stories that people really have to say. They see great sadness in both themselves and people and their presence takes on limpid depths of beauty. Do you ever feel this thrill every once in a while?


Crossing the Water and Sylvia Plath: Lost and Found

Sylvia Plathシルヴィア・プラス詩「湖水を渡る」日本語訳(Japanese Translation)

Just as the water surface reflects light and shadows, our everyday life is an arena of a bitter-sweet conflict between excitement and disappointment. In her bleak poem, Crossing the water, Sylvia Plath (1932-1963) uses symbols to depict shades of our existence, whose contradictory nature is highlighted in tension with the outer world.

The apparent imagery here is a herd of dark trees casting shadows over the lake water. The trees are personified in the shape of cut-paper people; human beings lose their presence in the shadowy, tenebrous natural surroundings. Lights flicker in the darkened world. There should be hope. We try to move on. But obstacles come over just as the thick leaves on the water keep us from moving forward. A little glimmer of hope seems liberating but such anticipation pushes us down the emotional descent in the shape of a disappointment. Frequent disappointments discourage us from moving forward physically and emotionally.


It sounds pretty encouraging when people say that whatever you do each moment definitely creates its ripple effect on what surrounds you and that’s the way you make a difference in the world. But deep down there is some space in our hearts, where stagnant memories and emotions devour our optimism. We sometimes get stunned and overwhelmed by the enormity of darkness within us and others.


Sylvia Plath is often associated with a tragic end of her life and the bleak tone throughout her works. But as we can find in this poem, she captures shades of our emotions. Our troubled hearts are vulnerable but real. Our daily emotional challenges are made up of something more than a fit of desperatipon. It’s in the silence that we touch our innermost emotion. The darkness and silence arouses thoughts, regrets and frustrations that are kept and stored in our mental “Lost and Found”.


Crossing the Water

Black lake, black boat, two black, cut-paper people.
Where do the black trees go that drink here?
Their shadows must cover Canada.

A little light is filtering from the water flowers.
Their leaves do not wish us to hurry:
They are round and flat and full of dark advice.

Cold worlds shake from the oar.
The spirit of blackness is in us, it is in the fishes.
A snag is lifting a valedictory, pale hand;

Stars open among the lilies.
Are you not blinded by such expressionless sirens?
This is the silence of astounded souls.




水花から洩れる 微かな光
葉が止どめるのは 私たちの焦り
暗き忠言が 柔らかなその葉のひとつひとつに

寒々とした世界が いくつにもなって オールに揺れる
闇黒の精霊が 私たちの中に 魚たちの中に 生きている
立ち枯れた木が 告別の淡き手を 振り上げている

百合のあいだに 星々が
無表情な水の精に 目を眩ませられていないか
驚愕した魂 そのしじま