The Joke

Brandi Carlile、歌詞(Lyrics)『The Joke』日本語訳(Japanese Translation)

The great songs broaden our scope of interpretation. The Joke by Brandi Carlile is that kind of song. Some take it as a song challenging the current sociopolitical situation, about those misrepresented, underrepresented and undervalued. Others take a more general view on this song as an empowerment anthem.
素晴らしい歌は、人によって様々な解釈ができるという特徴があります。Brandi CarlileのThe Jokeも、そういった曲のひとつです。今の政治的状況や、マイノリティや女性の地位を歌っていると感じる人もいるかもしれません。または、今の状況から抜け出せない苦しみを抱えている人に向けて歌われていると感じる人もいるでしょう。

The song starts with describing a gentle boy “with a quiet voice and impeccable style,” who has developed his own sense of style. He’s not a type of man believing people are disposable or busy doing whatever to get what he wants. He knows that things don’t always go really fast forward and that those powerful are not always right.
“With a quiet voice and impeccable style”では、物静かでおしゃれに気を遣うような男性の姿が描かれます。大きな声で人に指図をしたり、人を自分の意のままにすることに忙しいようなタイプではない。全てが力強く前向きに進むわけではない、声が大きいものが正しいとは限らない、ということを知っているかのようです。

Some people try to “dress you down,” forcing you to renounce your style. They do so because they are scared of those who inspire. At the brunt of the ridicule and aggression, the radiant feel intimidated and afraid of having any vulnerability shown.
Dress you downでは、自分のスタイルを捨てることを強要されています。人が侮辱してくるのは、彼らが恐れているからです。素晴らしいものはおのずから輝いてしまうと(The way you shine)。輝く存在は、しかし怯え、弱さを見せられないからと(hide how much it hurts)一層苦しむことになります。

There’s no sense, she says, being a helpless victim of those try to threaten you in an abusive manner. The movies have their heartbreaking moments but lead us, most of the times, to the happy ending. The movies have their ups and downs. A setback you are going through is just one along those ups and downs. You can put it into perspective and make sure you’re on the right track.
こうした謂れのない苦しみは、放っておこう。いちいちそれに振り回されるのはやめておこうと言います(Let’ em laugh while they can)。映画ではハラハラドキドキがあっても、結末ではハッピーエンドが訪れます(I have been to the movies, I’ve seen how it ends)。今は苦しくとも、それはストーリーの起伏であって、最終的なゴールへの道筋だと捉えようと、より大きな視野で今を見つめています。

Then comes a message for women, who hit glass ceiling and are stigmatized as an underdog and are told to stop dreaming. You have enough of staying where you are. It’s no safe a place to be anymore. You just need to run away from violence and abuse at home or that which are widespread across the country. You eventually find yourself in the wilderness. Desperate but determined to move on with your life, you might feel at loss in exhaustion but won’t be afraid of whatever comes on your way .
次に女性たちへのメッセージが続きます。女性だからという理由で味わうあきらめや挫折(You get discouraged, don’t you, girl?)。自分の道を歩もうとすると、夢を見るなとか(living the dream)、成功をあきらめた奴(kicking the ladder)と言われます。 今いる場所にいられない、今のままでは命の危険を感じる、家庭内や国家の内で起こる暴力、そういったものから荒野へと逃げ出すのです(carrying your baby on your back across the desert)。自分が生きる道を探す時、身体は疲れていても、その先は見通せなくとも、もはや怖いものはなくなっているのです(And you’re looking tired, but you don’t look scared)。

There are certain people out there who are busy taking advantage of and hurting others, and intend to persecute the radiant and determined. They are, however, to be made fun of.
こうした存在を疎ましく思い、懸命に他人を苦しめようとする愚かな人々がいるわけですが、こうした人こそ哀れな軽蔑されるべき存在なのだと(And the joke’s on them)、そう締めくくります。






疲れてる でも怯えてはいない


New Year’s and the Snow: Manyo (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves)


Manyo-shu is the oldest anthology of short poems (waka, directly translated as short songs) in Japanese history, including 20 volumes and 4,536 short poems and Chinese verse. This huge collection ends with the following poem.


あたらしき としのはじめの はつはるの
きょうふるゆきの いやしけよごと

On this New Year’s day
As auspicious snow falls on and on
May joys be blooming on our way

For some people snow brings refreshing feel of a white, sparkly winter wonderland and sweet reminiscences of their childhood while for others it’s all about permanently runny nose and flushed cheeks as well as curing up in oversized sweater and keeping shoveling the snow.

This song is written on the New Year’s day, 759, with provincial governors greeting the Ministry building. Ohtomo no Yakamochi, the leading poet from Manyo-shu, wrote it and was arguably one of the editors.

Snow was then believed to be an auspicious sign. Some people still have a positive attitude towards occasional snowfalls but for others it’s just another sign of a cold, bleak winter. People, centuries ago, seem to see something special in a change of the weathers, and of the years. We still learn how differently people see things happening from day to day.

Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter: Spring in Your Step

泉谷しげる、歌詞(Lyrics)『春夏秋冬』(English Translation)

Throughout this series, Spring in Your Step, we’ve been examining varied ways of ending and starting things, especially setting out. Many of them involve bittersweet aspects of life. Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter (1972) by Shigeru Izumiya should be another great song of this kind.

We often start because of hope, expectations or promise. Other times we start because we get tired of, sick of or fed up with what we’ve been doing. This song is about the latter type of start.


This song starts by giving us a new insight into our look at the nature and changing seasons, whose beauty is sometimes oversimplified. Many Japanese people are very proud of the natural beauty and seasonal charms of this country, but it’s not always appreciated by everyone. It’s not because of their lack of taste or sensitivity. Sometimes everything gets so hectic that people, even the most aesthetically sensitive people, don’t even notice natural beauty. At times we are, physically and emotionally, so drowned in the depth of cares and duties that it feels like everything just passes us by. It doesn’t mean we are not capable of appreciating beauty of the nature. The same sensitivity, when directed toward human society, overwhelms us. Sadly cares and concerns over human relationships and professional duties and whatsoever overshadow the beauty of flowers, birds and heavenly bodies. This song gives a warm embrace to people of this kind, who are just honest enough to look at an uncomfortable, sometimes ugly, truth.


Making conscious decisions makes us honest but living an honest and diligent life doesn’t seem to pay off. But these people know that ugliness is a part of human nature, that you learn by first-hand experience involving a lot of conflict and frustration, and that beauty shines through sighs you give out, tears you hold back and hands with which you grab mud. This song tells much about such a down-to-earth approach to life.

Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter

Born in a town, a town with no season
Raised on the hill, the hill with no wind
Leaving home, home with no dream
Meeting people, people with no love

Just for the sake of others
From east to west
Slaving myself away
Nice things I got to find
Wither away so easily

Too busy to savor the beauty of spring
Too tired to get through the fieriness of summer
Raking fallen leaves to warm myself in fall
This bag of bones gets chilled in the cold of winter

Everything will come to end today
Everything will be different today
Everything will pay off today
Everything will get started today

Born in a town, a town with no season
Raised on the hill, the hill with no wind
Leaving home, home with no dream
Meeting people, people with no love

Out of the corner of my eye
Wondering if I’m on the right track

Get streetwise
It’s not something to despise
Crack a self-conscious smile
It’s something to put up with for a while

There’s nothing great about my place
Why don’t you come over on your way
Such being the case
Seeing you will make my day

Young, Reckless and Kandagawa: Spring in your Step

南こうせつとかぐや姫、歌詞(Lyrics)『神田川』(English Translation)

Lyrics stand out when they convey the feel of a certain generation. Kandagawa (1973) by Minami Kosetsu & Kaguyahime is one of the best songs of that kind. The imagery throughout the song is nothing but a young couple spending a certain period of time together, leading a humble, intimate life that simplicity and frugality made possible and eventually breaking up. All the details of lifestyle depicted in this song could be relatable to people of a certain age group as well as modern listeners who know of what it used to be like.

One of the mysteries this song left is the meaning of its lines from the chorus: I was young and reckless, full of conceit/But when you were simply nice and sweet/It felt too mellow/I got cold feet. To put it simply, you feel intimidated when your partner is simply nice and sweet. To explore this meaning, let’s get back to the days when this song was written, days when people always had something to question, challenge and stand up to.


Tadashi Kitajo, a writer of this song, started wading into social activism when he was young. He got home, exhausted after one long day and saw his partner cooking at the kitchen in a calm, homely manner, which struck him alarming because it was something that could pull him out of furious, frantic and frenzied activism and lure him into a rustic, safeguarded and peaceful nest. He was intimidated at what seemed to be too mellow, or a simple way of life, contrary to what he devoted himself to..


Is this because of youth or because of devotion to a great cause at the expense of simple, if not naïve, happiness one could enjoy? The change of seasons never withers the luminosity of a truly relatable song that arouses particular images the moment a certain word comes out. That is why this song really stands the test of time.



Do you remember
With a red towel instead of a scarf to wear
Going to a bath around the corner
Saying you wouldn’t come out any later
But all too often it was me to wait outside
And got a chill with my hair undried
A small piece of soap clattering in the pail
Holding close my shoulder that turned pale
And you said “Don’t you feel cold?”

I was young and reckless, full of conceit
But when you were simply nice and sweet
It felt too mellow and I got cold feet

Do you remember
Crayons in 24 colors you got somewhere
My portraits you promised to draw perfect
Never as good as I could expect
Under the window ran the Kandagawa
My place small as a sheltered bower
With only one single room to equip
Turning your gaze at my fingertip
And you said “Are you feeling sad?”

I was young and reckless, full of conceit
But when you were simply nice and sweet
It felt too mellow and I got cold feet


Unbearable Sadness and Sonnet Of A Fool: Spring in Your Step

さだまさし、歌詞(Lyrics)『道化師のソネット』(English Translation)

Released in 1980, Sonnet of a Fool has been considered one of the best songs by Masashi Sada. Exploring our life journey with striking imagery, this song highlights underlying and inevitable sadness we go through in spite of our thirst for pushing away negativity.

It starts with prayers for smile. There are two kinds of smile: Smile that you give to others and to yourself. You smile to someone in the hope of making a positive influence on the situation when you feel powerless in the face of difficulty. You can also give a smile to yourself, a smile of affirmation. You know you are the first and last person to say yes to who you are.


The song delves into the meaning of sadness by depicting our existence with powerful imagery. Our existence is absurdly small, so incapable and hopeless that we sometimes get lost wondering how to unload overwhelming sadness. The song, however, claims that we are destined to load our life down with sadness. All we can do is let it go just as letting a boat go down the stream. We tend to believe we need to resolve our feelings and get over ourselves at each stage of our life course but our journey doesn’t allow us to tidy things up.


In the office, on the street and at home, we are more or less frustrated and disappointed and need a thrill of a smile, but a fake smile disheartens us all the more. Smile is not there for driving away negativity but for getting us to face the reality in a fun and ridiculous way. We need to start from this understanding that we sometimes have to play out a fool to confront challenges and a fool knows our existence is weak, small and sorrowful.


Sonnet Of A Fool

I wanna see your smile
So both of us can go another mile

Our existence is like a tiny boat
Loaded with sadness
With each of us at the helm
Steering down the passage of time

Your hands, so small
With overwhelming sadness
If a smile could help you out,
I would be a fool

I wanna see your smile
So both of us can go another mile
All of us have our own journey to go
Walking along the same stream

Our existence is like a climb
To each summit to conquer
As tireless as wayfarers
Toiling over the vast expanse

Your arms, so weak
Filled with unbearable sadness
If a smile could help you out,
I would be a fool


Days That Used To Be: Spring in Your Step

山口百恵、歌詞(Lyrics)『いい日旅立ち』(English Translation)

Released in 1978, written by Shinji Tanimura and sung by Momoe Yamaguchi, Days That Used To Be has soon reached lyrical milestone by its imagery and lyricism in depicting the arrival of spring and emotional landscape of leaving for another place. The main character gets to find some kind of closure about the past and make a step forward.

Winter passes and spring is on its way when you look up the sky and throw your past plans and anticipations away. You used to have people around, with whom you shared your dreams and memories. You are alone now and determined to step forward on your own.


It feels like you have lost your home. Well then, you just can leave the past behind and start to make memories. Though your outlook seems as fickle as going somewhere else, you still have some confidence in what future will bring. You just seek something that would warm you heart.


It’s no easy translating these sentiments, or nostalgia, in a way that the lyricism speaks to readers of another language. It’s still a universal human tendency to use songs to think of days that used to be.


Days That Used To Be

When snow starts to melt
With spring thaw on its way
I call out for the northern sky
To bring back all dreams lost in time
I feel warm inside
With all those gone crossing my mind
All I can do is just set out all by myself

Ah, somewhere on this land, not across the sea,
There must be someone ready to meet me

No better day for leaving
For a sunset I saw
On the back of my dear mom
All those songs will stay in my mind

Fishing at the rocky beach is a small boy
Going home through the green plume grassland
From here my memories are to made
Leaving a good bye message on the sand

Ah, somewhere on this land, not across the sea,
There must be someone ready to meet me

No better day for leaving
For cotton-wool clouds I saw
What I learned from my dad
All those songs will stay in my mind

Ah, somewhere on this land, not across the sea,
There must be someone ready to meet me

No better day for leaving
For happiness
What I loved to sing
All those songs will stay in my mind

Exuberance and Kanoko Okamoto: Lost and Found

岡本かの子『老妓抄』和歌「年々にわが悲しみは深くしていよよ華やぐいのちなりけり」英語訳(English Translation)

Where does sadness come from? It doesn’t emerge only from the darkness. It is with exuberant vitality. Here we have Kanoko Okamoto (1889-1939), a novelist and a poet, with her powerful poetic statement.


Years pass.
Deeper sadness
Adds a touch of excess
Of existence.

Sadness is generally considered to be a harmful emotion. It is associated with those apparently downhearted and upsets others. It deprives you of vivacity and it is a particular state of mind that you must get out of by all means.


However, this song has achieved inspirational embrace of both sadness and happiness. The deeper sadness grows, the more vigorous life becomes. The more keenly you are aware of vivacity, the deeper you feel sadness. As you get old, everything, from misfortunes to exhilarations, adds to your experience. There’s a bunch of deep emotions, both bitter and sweet, experienced in seeing significant meanings that you were too young to perceive. The acuteness and graveness of sadness emboss and enrich your life. Deep wrinkles make your years of physical experience genuine and real.


Why is it that we feel abundance in seeing wind patterns on the barren desert dunes, bleak heights of the icy mountains? Rich history is alive and felt in the desolation. Abundance of life is also felt in the bleakness. Time you spent, voices you listened to and every possible scenario you speculated. All of these resonate loud and deep in the void left in your heart.


Some people show us that exuberance strikes sorrow into their heart. The world teems with vigour of people. Sadness surfaces when you recognize there are so many different stories that people really have to say. They see great sadness in both themselves and people and their presence takes on limpid depths of beauty. Do you ever feel this thrill every once in a while?


Who Else and Noriko Ibaragi: Lost and Found


Poetic sensitivity isn’t exclusively owned by poets. It resides in all of us. But all too often we get emotionally worn out while struggling through our pell-mell life. In the course of our day-to-day survival and with disheartening defeats in life, we sometimes feel that we used to be more emotionally available and that we need to identify, or invent, a culprit robbing us of sensitivity. That’s the time to turn to this poem by Noriko Ibaragi (1926-2006).

Repeated questions throughout the poem are directed toward herself. The poet, in later years, tried to clear up the misunderstanding. Her intention was that all the questions are intended to urge on herself, not on readers, the importance of enriching her own heart. The final line, “I know better,” is directed to oneself, meaning we are wise enough not to leave our sensitivity unattended. No one else but you are responsible for enriching your heart and mind. It didn’t go well? Well, you didn’t do it right.

この詩全体を通じて、繰り返される問いかけ、その言葉は自分に向けられています。作者自身、誰かを叱咤しているのでなく、自分に言い聞かせるものだと、後年読者の誤解を解こうとしています。最終行の「ばかものよ」は自分に向けられているのです。ので、”I know better「それほど馬鹿じゃない」”という最終行は、本来できるはずだとの意味を込めた英訳としてみました。心の水やりは誰かに任せるものではない。自分の心は自分で意識的に育てるもの。うまくいかなかったのは、自分のやり方がまずかっただけ。

Sensitivity is our fortress. It’s our own creating project. Sensitivity is the fire to keep burning. It’s like an all-night vigil. Our heart gets worn out through our day-to-day challenges but it’s you who are in charge.


Sensitivity doesn’t necessarily develop by visiting museums but by employing care for and giving thoughts to what makes you happy and sad while leading a life that seems to  consume you. It resides in our open heart. By understanding that people go through ups and downs. By lending a hand to and going shoulder to shoulder with them. By knowing shades of fun and misery.


Then self-questioning moments come: What do I really need to defend even with my back to the wall? What do I really need to take care of even with futile days going by? What makes your mind fresh and fertile? What keeps you moving forward? Just as you sit down and check in with your loved ones, you just need to listen to your heart.







そもそもが ひよわな志しにすぎなかった



Who Else Can Do That?

When your soul is getting dry
Don’t blame someone else
I know I didn’t take enough care
Of myself

When you find yourself fussy and difficult
You can’t possibly blame your friends
Look at yourself
How stony and intractable

When you get frustrated
Don’t point the finger at your parents or siblings
I know I could have done
Much better than I did

When your original passion dwindles
It’s not because of your uneasy life
I know I’ve been only slightly determined
First of all

When nothing is going right
Don’t spit a curse at the time you’re living in
You can’t let go out
That feeble flicker of dignity

Keep up your sensitivity
Who else can do that?
Never leave it unattended
I know, I know better.

Act of Living and Rin Ishigaki: Lost and Found


We’ve been examining how art draws out our innermost emotions. I should definitely introduce another great modern poet. Rin Ishigaki (1920-2004) struggled through painful friction between poetry writing and household burden while she made her living as the only bread winner of her family.


Her life was consumed by spending years as a wage earner and a care giver at the expense of her own creative capabilities.


This poem illustrates the moment of a gushing emotion when she stopped to think. She fought through life with a resigned focus on her household life instead of pursuing her own dreams, interests and creative aspirations. In front of rubbles and debris of her household life, an overwhelmingly painful regret came over and she realized how much she lost. This indescribable sense of anger, defeat or powerlessness drew tears to her eyes.


At times we are overwhelmed by an emotion that we have long harbored but tried to suppress while going through day-to-day challenges. This mixed feeling is not owned by anyone else. Your emotions are to belong to you. It’s crude, genuine and real because it’s safe from someone else’s definition, interpretation or terminology. Poems are supposed to tell something that would be compatible with what you feel deep inside.


Many poets including Chuya Nakahara struggle to strike a balance between two different dimensions of existence – pursuing artistic aspirations and making a living. It’s no easy living up to social expectations while instinctively letting passion veer the course of life. Quite a few fell on the road in the effort of seeking a creative outlet.


Nevertheless, poetic sensitivity plays an invaluable role in finding and creating meaning in what people are not always aware of. It helps us through our life journey, a journey of maintaining decency and making sense of what we do. It also helps us feel assuredly compatible with something deep inside that we struggle to express verbally.




Act of Living

You just can’t live without eating
Money and hearts
I just couldn’t have lived a life
I’m full now
My mouth wiped clean
The kitchen floor in a mess
Carrot ends cut off
Chicken bones
Bowels of my dad
Forty years passed and the twilight came on
First ever came into my eyes
Savage tears

Sadness and Chuya Nakahara: Lost and Found


With tolls of New Year’s bell dispelling earthly desires, people welcome the New Year with a refreshed and invigorated mind. It would be great if we could renew our mind overnight. In reality, however, we can’t. Just as we did yesterday, we still undergo pangs of regret and remorse, or feel a void in our hearts. In front of us emerges something that we didn’t give much thought to while wading through hectic days.

To discuss these emotions, let me introduce one of the most popular poems on sadness. It’s written by Chuya Nakahara. Sadness here is not about what you are crying over at this moment but about what lingers after your tears dry. It’s about your heart aching 1) when people describe your own ineffable sorrow in a clichéd manner, 2) when you are racked with self-doubt over the belief that sadness is experienced by everyone, big or small, and self-doubt over how to argue against the idea that one’s sadness is of great or little value, and 3) when you put too much interpretation on sadness. Let’s see what sadness of ours that “ain’t innocent at all” looks like.


What does it mean, this sadness that “ain’t innocent at all”? Let’s see how it can be interpreted. In the first place, we are not simple-hearted anymore. While small children burst into a fit of laughter in the next moment after throwing a tantrum, we, as grownups, like to make things complicated. We just can’t keep things simple. Not only do we take care of ourselves, we also take into account our family and the communities that impose an ever-growing burden and sadness. We also give too much meaning and interpretation to sadness when explaining, or illustrating, a sadness of our own. It all ends up finding a sadness lost its original sensations or colors. It becomes ugly and gross.


Another cause is disregard of one’s own sadness. Even with life imposing burden and pain on us, most of us believe that we somehow survive. Is it a privilege to indulge in this sadness? Isn’t it more righteous to think about what you can do to others and the wider society? It’s true your sadness is yours and invaluable, but you somehow belittle yourself in awkwardness and feel harder to break out of your ever harder shell as you sink into yourself.


Another possible interpretation is that sadness comes from a sense of being violated and tainted. There is something that you feel authentic about your sadness, but this can be described with worn-out clichés or interpreted within the frame of ready-made ideas. Once you venture an expression, you fear that people are too judgmental. Then you feel intimidated, discouraged and resigned from giving careful explanation in view of possible misunderstanding. Unwillingness and powerlessness overwhelm you.


Art has power to find whatever feelings you suppress, try to forget, or let go. We’re going to examine this role played by art – a mental lost and found.




This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Under another pall of snow
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Standing stiff as chilly gusts of wind blow
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
A fox pelt is something alike
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Scrunching down as snowflakes strike
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Never missing human wishes in their absence
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Inertly tempted to end this existence
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Scared and small
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Stranded as the nights fall