Maman: In The Attempt

Louane、歌詞(Paroles)『Maman』日本語訳((Traduction japonaise)

In her song called Maman, Louane, a 20-year-old French singer, sings about how we pass dull, tedious days in resignation and desperation. We sometimes feel so trapped in the net of circumstances that we get passive-aggressive. We get to express indirectly our negative feelings of anger, distrust or frustration by procrastinating, showing indifference to what’s going on around us, or distracting our own attention from what really matters. Then we are led into a cul-de-sac, where we are getting weary of reaching out for what we should be.

In this song she calls on her mother to help her make sense of what she is. She knows this is not right but has no idea what to do. There is good rhyming throughout the lines, but some of them don’t seem to have as profound meaning as listeners would expect. This disappointment listeners experience, however, is the very emotion we are truly exposed to on a daily basis.


Louane – Maman

ホテルで 駐車場で
悩みから 逃れるために
街では 心は 青ざめてる

憂鬱の底から 電話口から
すべてがまた始まる 春のように

地下鉄は 夢を詰め込んで進む
高層ビルは 私たちを見下ろす
まるで 檻の中の小鳥のように

ねえ ママ
わたし 頭がおかしくなりそう
探し求めてる でも何を どうして

バーは 人でごった返している
でも 心は乾ききっている
約束は 交わされる
すぐ 捨てられる約束が

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