The Joke

Brandi Carlile、歌詞(Lyrics)『The Joke』日本語訳(Japanese Translation)

The great songs broaden our scope of interpretation. The Joke by Brandi Carlile is that kind of song. Some take it as a song challenging the current sociopolitical situation, about those misrepresented, underrepresented and undervalued. Others take a more general view on this song as an empowerment anthem.
素晴らしい歌は、人によって様々な解釈ができるという特徴があります。Brandi CarlileのThe Jokeも、そういった曲のひとつです。今の政治的状況や、マイノリティや女性の地位を歌っていると感じる人もいるかもしれません。または、今の状況から抜け出せない苦しみを抱えている人に向けて歌われていると感じる人もいるでしょう。

The song starts with describing a gentle boy “with a quiet voice and impeccable style,” who has developed his own sense of style. He’s not a type of man believing people are disposable or busy doing whatever to get what he wants. He knows that things don’t always go really fast forward and that those powerful are not always right.
“With a quiet voice and impeccable style”では、物静かでおしゃれに気を遣うような男性の姿が描かれます。大きな声で人に指図をしたり、人を自分の意のままにすることに忙しいようなタイプではない。全てが力強く前向きに進むわけではない、声が大きいものが正しいとは限らない、ということを知っているかのようです。

Some people try to “dress you down,” forcing you to renounce your style. They do so because they are scared of those who inspire. At the brunt of the ridicule and aggression, the radiant feel intimidated and afraid of having any vulnerability shown.
Dress you downでは、自分のスタイルを捨てることを強要されています。人が侮辱してくるのは、彼らが恐れているからです。素晴らしいものはおのずから輝いてしまうと(The way you shine)。輝く存在は、しかし怯え、弱さを見せられないからと(hide how much it hurts)一層苦しむことになります。

There’s no sense, she says, being a helpless victim of those try to threaten you in an abusive manner. The movies have their heartbreaking moments but lead us, most of the times, to the happy ending. The movies have their ups and downs. A setback you are going through is just one along those ups and downs. You can put it into perspective and make sure you’re on the right track.
こうした謂れのない苦しみは、放っておこう。いちいちそれに振り回されるのはやめておこうと言います(Let’ em laugh while they can)。映画ではハラハラドキドキがあっても、結末ではハッピーエンドが訪れます(I have been to the movies, I’ve seen how it ends)。今は苦しくとも、それはストーリーの起伏であって、最終的なゴールへの道筋だと捉えようと、より大きな視野で今を見つめています。

Then comes a message for women, who hit glass ceiling and are stigmatized as an underdog and are told to stop dreaming. You have enough of staying where you are. It’s no safe a place to be anymore. You just need to run away from violence and abuse at home or that which are widespread across the country. You eventually find yourself in the wilderness. Desperate but determined to move on with your life, you might feel at loss in exhaustion but won’t be afraid of whatever comes on your way .
次に女性たちへのメッセージが続きます。女性だからという理由で味わうあきらめや挫折(You get discouraged, don’t you, girl?)。自分の道を歩もうとすると、夢を見るなとか(living the dream)、成功をあきらめた奴(kicking the ladder)と言われます。 今いる場所にいられない、今のままでは命の危険を感じる、家庭内や国家の内で起こる暴力、そういったものから荒野へと逃げ出すのです(carrying your baby on your back across the desert)。自分が生きる道を探す時、身体は疲れていても、その先は見通せなくとも、もはや怖いものはなくなっているのです(And you’re looking tired, but you don’t look scared)。

There are certain people out there who are busy taking advantage of and hurting others, and intend to persecute the radiant and determined. They are, however, to be made fun of.
こうした存在を疎ましく思い、懸命に他人を苦しめようとする愚かな人々がいるわけですが、こうした人こそ哀れな軽蔑されるべき存在なのだと(And the joke’s on them)、そう締めくくります。






疲れてる でも怯えてはいない


Black Eyed Dog: Lost and Found

Nick Drake、歌詞(Lyrics)『Black Eyed Dog』日本語訳(Japanese Translation)

Nick Drake (1948-1974) released just three albums before his early death. This enigmatic song inevitably foreshadows his tragedy but also tells much about our universal, emotional challenge – sporadic renewals of negative feelings.


Repeated over again in the song is a symbolic figure, “a black eyed dog.” Let’s just define it as a negative feeling that comes up in our mind every so often. Just as a black eyed dog comes at the door and makes more demands, our unresolved conflict, whether it be inner or with someone else, bugs us with renewed sense of disruption and intrusion. Your efforts to create your own life are often interrupted by uneasy negotiation with reality, overshadowed by your past mistakes or challenged by your old enemies. Negative feelings catch up with you just when you feel you have run far away enough. You feel scared to see your old enemy track you down. It could be sadness or regret in the silence. You just can’t let down your guard.


This recurrent emotional turn-offs are so exhausting that we just crave for time and space where we could breathe and unwind. Home is supposed to be a place where you feel right in your own skin. But as we grow old, we drag more of our past shadows and persisting, incurable pains. Negative emotional experiences wake up uncomfortable memories, highlight your inner bitter spot and make you feel inadequate, weak and miserable. Your attempt to settle down stays incomplete at best and seems impossible at worst.


The lyrics and imagery are somewhat grim and somber. His voice is no powerful. But it’s genuine and warms our hearts like an emotional pat on the shoulder.


Nick Drake – Black Eyed Dog

黒い目をした犬が 戸口にやってきたんです
これ以上 どうしろと言うんでしょうか
そいつは わたしの名前を知っていたんです


Crossing the Water and Sylvia Plath: Lost and Found

Sylvia Plathシルヴィア・プラス詩「湖水を渡る」日本語訳(Japanese Translation)

Just as the water surface reflects light and shadows, our everyday life is an arena of a bitter-sweet conflict between excitement and disappointment. In her bleak poem, Crossing the water, Sylvia Plath (1932-1963) uses symbols to depict shades of our existence, whose contradictory nature is highlighted in tension with the outer world.

The apparent imagery here is a herd of dark trees casting shadows over the lake water. The trees are personified in the shape of cut-paper people; human beings lose their presence in the shadowy, tenebrous natural surroundings. Lights flicker in the darkened world. There should be hope. We try to move on. But obstacles come over just as the thick leaves on the water keep us from moving forward. A little glimmer of hope seems liberating but such anticipation pushes us down the emotional descent in the shape of a disappointment. Frequent disappointments discourage us from moving forward physically and emotionally.


It sounds pretty encouraging when people say that whatever you do each moment definitely creates its ripple effect on what surrounds you and that’s the way you make a difference in the world. But deep down there is some space in our hearts, where stagnant memories and emotions devour our optimism. We sometimes get stunned and overwhelmed by the enormity of darkness within us and others.


Sylvia Plath is often associated with a tragic end of her life and the bleak tone throughout her works. But as we can find in this poem, she captures shades of our emotions. Our troubled hearts are vulnerable but real. Our daily emotional challenges are made up of something more than a fit of desperatipon. It’s in the silence that we touch our innermost emotion. The darkness and silence arouses thoughts, regrets and frustrations that are kept and stored in our mental “Lost and Found”.


Crossing the Water

Black lake, black boat, two black, cut-paper people.
Where do the black trees go that drink here?
Their shadows must cover Canada.

A little light is filtering from the water flowers.
Their leaves do not wish us to hurry:
They are round and flat and full of dark advice.

Cold worlds shake from the oar.
The spirit of blackness is in us, it is in the fishes.
A snag is lifting a valedictory, pale hand;

Stars open among the lilies.
Are you not blinded by such expressionless sirens?
This is the silence of astounded souls.




水花から洩れる 微かな光
葉が止どめるのは 私たちの焦り
暗き忠言が 柔らかなその葉のひとつひとつに

寒々とした世界が いくつにもなって オールに揺れる
闇黒の精霊が 私たちの中に 魚たちの中に 生きている
立ち枯れた木が 告別の淡き手を 振り上げている

百合のあいだに 星々が
無表情な水の精に 目を眩ませられていないか
驚愕した魂 そのしじま

People Help The People: In The Attempt

Birdy、歌詞(Lyrics)『People Help The People』日本語訳(Japanese translation)

We’ve been thinking about the state of being “In The Attempt.” The theme revolves around subjects such as the act of reaching out, the restless feeling of incompleteness, a life on hold, and {Read more…} “People Help The People: In The Attempt

Birdy、歌詞(Lyrics)『People Help The People』日本語訳(Japanese translation)

Maman: In The Attempt

Louane、歌詞(Paroles)『Maman』日本語訳((Traduction japonaise)

In her song called Maman, Louane, a 20-year-old French singer, sings about how we pass dull, tedious days in resignation and desperation. We sometimes feel so trapped in the net of circumstances that we get passive-aggressive. We get to express indirectly our negative feelings of anger, distrust or frustration by procrastinating, showing indifference to what’s going on around us, or distracting our own attention from what really matters. Then we are led into a cul-de-sac, where we are getting weary of reaching out for what we should be.

In this song she calls on her mother to help her make sense of what she is. She knows this is not right but has no idea what to do. There is good rhyming throughout the lines, but some of them don’t seem to have as profound meaning as listeners would expect. This disappointment listeners experience, however, is the very emotion we are truly exposed to on a daily basis.


Louane – Maman

ホテルで 駐車場で
悩みから 逃れるために
街では 心は 青ざめてる

憂鬱の底から 電話口から
すべてがまた始まる 春のように

地下鉄は 夢を詰め込んで進む
高層ビルは 私たちを見下ろす
まるで 檻の中の小鳥のように

ねえ ママ
わたし 頭がおかしくなりそう
探し求めてる でも何を どうして

バーは 人でごった返している
でも 心は乾ききっている
約束は 交わされる
すぐ 捨てられる約束が

Bitter Sweet Symphony: In The Attempt

The Verve、歌詞(Lyrics)『Bitter Sweet Symphony』日本語訳(Japanese translation)

Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve is one of the great songs on bittersweetness of life. This anthem, along with the symbolic music video, brings home to us the inevitable fate of death despite all of our longings.

The Verveの”Bitter Sweet Symphony”は、生きることの甘酸っぱさを歌った90年代のUKロックを代表する一曲ではないでしょうか。このアンセムは、様々な憧れがあるけれども、死という動かしがたい運命へ人は歩いてゆくということを、象徴的なミュージックビデオと共に伝えています。

We hope to follow a path we want, but quite often we have no choice but to follow the path we’ve ever been down because we always have certain constraints. Your employers, organizations, family members, your own physical, financial or social constraints wouldn’t allow you to choose to make a change. You feel all the more frustrated and powerless against circumstances.


L’irrationnel, la nostalgie humaine et l’absurde qui surgit de leur tête-à-tête, voilà les trois personnages du drame. Le mythe de Sisyphe by Albert Camus

The song contrasts our inevitable fate and our human longing. We have no choice but to walk toward “the places where all the veins meet” – death – because it’s ” the only road I’ve ever been down.” It’s inevitable truth. It’s beyond our control. It’s not a matter of your willpower. It leads you to get trapped and confined in a way that you feel “I am here in my mold.” But at the same time, the knowledge and experience you have acquired as you get old encourage you to believe in a possibility that “I’m a million different people from one day to the next.” We want to believe that it is our human intelligence and imagination that make it possible to understand human existence in terms of multifaceted composition and to see things from several points of view.


He walks on. It seems that he doesn’t do anything about avoiding obstacles on his way or changing his speed. Just as loss and separation, trouble and hardship, all comes out of the blue, fate is beyond our control. He just walks on while people raise their eyebrows, he knows he runs into trouble and he has no idea how to avoid it. Some of the stumbling blocks can be anticipated but that will not help us to avoid them. We just walk on.


Between his desire to be different and circumstances that tie him to the present situation, he feels trapped and decides to pray, saying “tonight I’m on my knees.” It’s not what he always does. He desperately needs some solace, someone who recognizes him. “But the airwaves are clean and there’s nobody singing to me now.” Fate doesn’t allow you to run away from tormenting truth. Then he walks on, occasionally bumping into obstacles, at a regular pace. Time passes precisely and mercilessly – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year – till the end.


The Verve – Bitter Sweet Symphony

これが人生 甘酸っぱい ひとつの交響曲
毎日をあくせくと 金銭の奴隷となり 迎える終局
これが 自分の知る唯一の道だ さあ行こう
全てが導かれゆく その場所を 君は知っているだろう

無理だ 変えられっこない 無理 無理だ
がっちり 決められていて 身動きがとれないんだ
でも 変えようがないんだ 無理 無理なんだ

祈るなんて自分らしくない でも今夜は跪こう
この苦しみと響きあう音に 耳を澄まそう
鳴り響くメロディー 空っぽの頭 これが自由
けれども 反応はなし 歌いかけてくれる人はなし

Where is My Mind: In The Attempt

Sunday Girl、歌詞(Lyrics)『Where is My Mind?』日本語訳(Japanese translation)

Albert Camus is considered to be a philosopher of absurdity. But it seems that the concept of absurdity is pretty much misunderstood. Absurdity does not mean that life is meaningless, pointless or hopeless. It’s not just a philosophical concept. Rather, it gives us an explanation to our flesh and blood feel of struggling through life.


Mais ce qui est absurde, c’est la confrontation de cet irratiionnel et de ce désir éperdu de clarté dont l’appel résonne au plus profond de l’homme. Albert Camus – Le mythe de Sisyphe

Absurdity, as Camus defines it, does not refer to the irrational itself but to a contradicting human desire. We know too well that many things in life come up in a random way but we are obsessed with finding meaning, logic or reason behind them. Our life revolves around a certain circle of supportive and beloved people, some of whom will be gone sooner or later. Even when we want to and make some efforts to follow a certain path of life, life gets an unexpected turn. Nonetheless, we desperately seek the value and meaning in those practices and events in life. That is what Camus calls absurdity.


The following song is a really good example of challenging our desire to seek meaning.

Sunday Girl – Where Is My Mind

その足は宙に 頭は地面に
頭はぺっちゃんこ だって 頭なんて空っぽでしょ
そして自問する いったいどうなってんだ?

小さな魚たちだけが 教えてくれた
必死に 何か言っていた 「コイツが鯉です」

大海原で見たんです そいつは泳いでいたんです

The Myth Of Sisyphus: In The Attempt

Albert Camusアルベール・カミュ『シーシュポスの神話』日本語訳(Traduction japonaises)

Our day-to-day challenges are really exhausting such as feeling disappointed at the results after all the efforts you made, another problem coming up right after you solved one, tragic incidents happening all around. Our life and efforts sometimes seem to be a meaningless run on the running-wheel. In exploring the topics around “In The Attempt”, or ubiquitous human efforts to reach for something that is out of sight, this sense of meaninglessness starts to loom over our prospects. Let’s consider this problem by looking at the key concept in “Le mythe de Sisyphe” by Albert Camus.

Les dieux avaient condamné Sisyphe à rouler sans cesse un rocher jusqu’au sommet d’une montagne d’où la pierre retombait par son propre poids. Ils avaient pensé avec quelque raison qu’il n’est pas de punition plus terrible que le travail inutile et sans espoir.  Le mythe de Sisyphe by Albert Camus

The biggest pain of the punishment can be explained by the fact that although he is well aware of his unrequited effort, he never stops his labor that is of no use. How despairing it is to see the rock rolling down the hill after your reaching the top of the hill. However, Camus made a logical turn. The point is, Sisyphus doesn’t climb the hill only once but endlessly. You would be disappointed to see the rock rolling down once you reached the top, but what is more painful is that you know that tragedy inevitably happens and, nevertheless, you are enforced to perform the duty ceaselessly.


(…) A chacun de ces instants, où il quitte les sommets et s’enfonce peu à peu vers les tanières des dieux, il est supérieur à son destin. Il est plus fort que son rocher. (…) quand l’appel du bonheur se fait trop pesant, il arrive que la tristesse se lève au cœur de l’homme: c’est la victoire du rocher, c’est le rocher lui-même. (…) Mais les vérités écrasantes périssent d’être reconnues. Le mythe de Sisyphe by Albert Camus
(…) 頂上から神々の巣窟まで戻って行く度ごとに、シーシュポスは運命を制圧していた。転がる岩に勝利していたのだ。(…) 幸せの呼び声を重圧と感じるとき、哀しみが人の心に湧き上がる。それは岩の方の勝利だ。岩の重苦しさそのものだ。(…) しかし、この重い真実は、認識されることで消滅してくれるのだ。

Sisyphus is aware of a recurrence of torturing duty, but he makes an intentional decision to face the futile. That’s his triumph over fate. Our everyday life is full of these fertile practices – what you worked hard for bears no fruits, what you created is soon to be crumbled, what you believe you kept in mind is gone. But if you do your best, create and remember something while understanding all will be gone anyhow, you will feel that you are focused and committed and that it is nonetheless meaningful and valuable.


Il y a deux sortes d’hommes, ceux qui subissent le destin, et ceux qui choisissent de le subir. Le Coran

This passage tells us the value of resigning yourself to fate and choosing a rough and thorny path, instead of wailing over merciless fate. Through our everyday existence, we could choose a life in which you always stop to think about the consequences of your choices, do conscious decision-making and face an uphill struggle, instead of following a beaten path. We could also follow an unorthodox but ethical lifestyle with little modern convenience of well-commercialized goods and services.


Fate, for Camus, is no doubt our inevitable truth: death. In terms of literal death and loss of something, only after do we resign ourselves to fate, we can say “all is well”. Anything you do care about will be gone sooner or later. Only when are you aware of this truth, caring about something starts to bear true meaning and value. Being aware of the truth is not a tragedy but a euphoric leap.


Moon Palace: In Search of Home

Paul Austerポール・オースター『ムーン・パレス』日本語訳(Japanese translation)

This post is going to examine something different from literary pieces I have introduced so far. For one thing, its’s not a Japanese one. Secondly, it’s a modern work of literature. It’s called “Moon Place” by Paul Auster and tells much about the concept of “Home”, which we have long discussed in this series. The story is about a young man, in search of the key facts about his past, whose journey through life encompasses living wild as a vagrant in Central park, then as a live-in helper to an eccentric old man and eventually a quest into the deserts of Utah, for his identity. It starts with:


It was the summer that men first walked on the moon. I was very young back then, but I did not believe there would ever be a future. I wanted to live dangerously, to push myself as far as I could go, and then see what happened to me when I got there.Moon Palace by Paul Auster


The story is characterized by the underlying mystery of serendipity. His life propelled by coincidence and chance meeting with characters more or less on the verge of aloneness. It’s a description of life that is far from linear. The moment a clue of existence comes into sight, even tragedy and loss stepped in, which leave you feel unsettled and desolate. Your attempt to take control of your life is betrayed by misfortune and a subsequent survival situation. Despite the desire for orderliness in our everyday modern lives, we are increasingly and inevitably exposed to randomness as we encounter a wide range of values and ideas.


This potentially disorienting experience doesn’t make much sense to you if you are too uptight about rationality. But the riddle of your fate is too elusive to solve. With more and more plural viewpoints and diverse interpretations of social reality available, we are open to more sources of identity. All the days and years we have spent, all the people and events we have come across are the source of our life story. One thing we can do is to piece together our pasts so that we can see the possibility of a future.


Strongly Related
Vagabond: Lyricism of Kokinshu


Si: In Search of Home

Zaz、歌詞(Paroles)『Si』日本語訳(Traduction japonaise)

Another great song called “Si (If)” by Zaz, a French singer, helps us extend the concept of “Home” further. First of all, “Home” exists in relationships. We need others to embody our sense of self. We are not that independent existence. Our existence is like a vessel that carries fragments of other existences, for which we have responsibility in one way and another. It’s a matter of what and who you stand up for, whose shoulder you cry on, whose hand you want to take, what fills your belly. In other word, “Home” can be found where mutuality and interdependence take place.


This song steps further. In a broader sense “Home” lies between reality and possibility. It’s no tangible. It’s something like an imagery. We live our life with a lot of “ifs.” Regrets in retrospect. Anticipations in prospect. On one hand, it could be someone, or some place, whose memories pull you back to a time when you were fully authentic in the presence of, anchored and attached to, that person or that place. On the other hand, it could be a vision that gives you a space and sense of authenticity. Something like a zeal. Some change you want to make in your own life, in human conditions. You build a mental bridge across time and space. What you envisage can be something that helps you stay grounded and tied to the reality. It’s not just something like a hope. It’s something that helps you stay focused on seeing the world honestly and not flee from its harshness while you keep your vision in sight. It’s in-between. It’s in process.


Through interactions with people and with imagery of who we were and will be, we put together puzzle pieces of the whole picture of self, which is also very likely to transform into what we never imagine. That encourages us to look at the concept of “Home” from another different perspective. That will be discussed in the next post.


Zaz – Si

王女様か 妖精か 偉大な将軍として


才能と エネルギー 魅力にあふれた
リーダーのように 率いる力があれば

可能性を追って 星を追いかけ


力にあふれた世界を 恋人のような大地を
少しずつ かけらを集めて
ひとしずくひとしずく 心を集めて

Series: In Search of Home

Pilgrim: In Search of Home

Prepared: In Search of Home

Away: In Search of Home

Coco: In Search of Home

Moon Palace: In Search of Home

Rappelle-moi: In Search of Home

Fear: In Search of Home

Who Knows: In Search of Home

Anchor: In Search of Home

Home: In Search of Home