Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve is one of the great songs on bittersweetness of life. This anthem, along with the symbolic music video, brings home to us the inevitable fate of death despite all of our longings.
The Verveの”Bitter Sweet Symphony”は、生きることの甘酸っぱさを歌った90年代のUKロックを代表する一曲ではないでしょうか。このアンセムは、様々な憧れがあるけれども、死という動かしがたい運命へ人は歩いてゆくということを、象徴的なミュージックビデオと共に伝えています。
We hope to follow a path we want, but quite often we have no choice but to follow the path we’ve ever been down because we always have certain constraints. Your employers, organizations, family members, your own physical, financial or social constraints wouldn’t allow you to choose to make a change. You feel all the more frustrated and powerless against circumstances.
L’irrationnel, la nostalgie humaine et l’absurde qui surgit de leur tête-à-tête, voilà les trois personnages du drame. Le mythe de Sisyphe by Albert Camus
The song contrasts our inevitable fate and our human longing. We have no choice but to walk toward “the places where all the veins meet” – death – because it’s ” the only road I’ve ever been down.” It’s inevitable truth. It’s beyond our control. It’s not a matter of your willpower. It leads you to get trapped and confined in a way that you feel “I am here in my mold.” But at the same time, the knowledge and experience you have acquired as you get old encourage you to believe in a possibility that “I’m a million different people from one day to the next.” We want to believe that it is our human intelligence and imagination that make it possible to understand human existence in terms of multifaceted composition and to see things from several points of view.
He walks on. It seems that he doesn’t do anything about avoiding obstacles on his way or changing his speed. Just as loss and separation, trouble and hardship, all comes out of the blue, fate is beyond our control. He just walks on while people raise their eyebrows, he knows he runs into trouble and he has no idea how to avoid it. Some of the stumbling blocks can be anticipated but that will not help us to avoid them. We just walk on.
Between his desire to be different and circumstances that tie him to the present situation, he feels trapped and decides to pray, saying “tonight I’m on my knees.” It’s not what he always does. He desperately needs some solace, someone who recognizes him. “But the airwaves are clean and there’s nobody singing to me now.” Fate doesn’t allow you to run away from tormenting truth. Then he walks on, occasionally bumping into obstacles, at a regular pace. Time passes precisely and mercilessly – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year – till the end.
The Verve – Bitter Sweet Symphony
これが人生 甘酸っぱい ひとつの交響曲
毎日をあくせくと 金銭の奴隷となり 迎える終局
これが 自分の知る唯一の道だ さあ行こう
全てが導かれゆく その場所を 君は知っているだろう
無理だ 変えられっこない 無理 無理だ
がっちり 決められていて 身動きがとれないんだ
でも 変えようがないんだ 無理 無理なんだ
祈るなんて自分らしくない でも今夜は跪こう
この苦しみと響きあう音に 耳を澄まそう
鳴り響くメロディー 空っぽの頭 これが自由
けれども 反応はなし 歌いかけてくれる人はなし