Who Else and Noriko Ibaragi: Lost and Found


Poetic sensitivity isn’t exclusively owned by poets. It resides in all of us. But all too often we get emotionally worn out while struggling through our pell-mell life. In the course of our day-to-day survival and with disheartening defeats in life, we sometimes feel that we used to be more emotionally available and that we need to identify, or invent, a culprit robbing us of sensitivity. That’s the time to turn to this poem by Noriko Ibaragi (1926-2006).

Repeated questions throughout the poem are directed toward herself. The poet, in later years, tried to clear up the misunderstanding. Her intention was that all the questions are intended to urge on herself, not on readers, the importance of enriching her own heart. The final line, “I know better,” is directed to oneself, meaning we are wise enough not to leave our sensitivity unattended. No one else but you are responsible for enriching your heart and mind. It didn’t go well? Well, you didn’t do it right.

この詩全体を通じて、繰り返される問いかけ、その言葉は自分に向けられています。作者自身、誰かを叱咤しているのでなく、自分に言い聞かせるものだと、後年読者の誤解を解こうとしています。最終行の「ばかものよ」は自分に向けられているのです。ので、”I know better「それほど馬鹿じゃない」”という最終行は、本来できるはずだとの意味を込めた英訳としてみました。心の水やりは誰かに任せるものではない。自分の心は自分で意識的に育てるもの。うまくいかなかったのは、自分のやり方がまずかっただけ。

Sensitivity is our fortress. It’s our own creating project. Sensitivity is the fire to keep burning. It’s like an all-night vigil. Our heart gets worn out through our day-to-day challenges but it’s you who are in charge.


Sensitivity doesn’t necessarily develop by visiting museums but by employing care for and giving thoughts to what makes you happy and sad while leading a life that seems to  consume you. It resides in our open heart. By understanding that people go through ups and downs. By lending a hand to and going shoulder to shoulder with them. By knowing shades of fun and misery.


Then self-questioning moments come: What do I really need to defend even with my back to the wall? What do I really need to take care of even with futile days going by? What makes your mind fresh and fertile? What keeps you moving forward? Just as you sit down and check in with your loved ones, you just need to listen to your heart.







そもそもが ひよわな志しにすぎなかった



Who Else Can Do That?

When your soul is getting dry
Don’t blame someone else
I know I didn’t take enough care
Of myself

When you find yourself fussy and difficult
You can’t possibly blame your friends
Look at yourself
How stony and intractable

When you get frustrated
Don’t point the finger at your parents or siblings
I know I could have done
Much better than I did

When your original passion dwindles
It’s not because of your uneasy life
I know I’ve been only slightly determined
First of all

When nothing is going right
Don’t spit a curse at the time you’re living in
You can’t let go out
That feeble flicker of dignity

Keep up your sensitivity
Who else can do that?
Never leave it unattended
I know, I know better.

Incompleteness: In The Attempt


Many songs and literary works have been made in any corners on the planet in history by human longing for home. Home is not just tangible but more psychological and the notion of home is conceivably tied to reminiscences, the act of reaching out, and a restless feeling of incompleteness. We’re going to figure out how to describe these attempts by examining their value and meaning.

Home often takes shape with nostalgia or on being away from it, associated with homeland. Home doesn’t necessarily refer to a physical environment but to feeling anchored and feeling right within your own skin and mind. Home is not a certain existence as people come and go. It is some space for you to fit in in this world where something is always missing. Home can be remembered in relationship to others and can be found in the vision and the process to achieve it. As our existence is constantly exposed to uncertainty, home emerges in the loneliness and in the attempt.


Pilgrimage in Japan is centered on its process and experiences and thoughts you get along the way rather than its goals. You put yourself in the balance between comfortable, pleasant memories and expectations of achievement.


Some points in our life, we all get stuck in the middle of this state of incompleteness between having left something behind and having yet to do. Quitting your job, breakups. It is, however, these experiences that make a big difference in your life. When learning something new, you get excited about broadening your horizons but, at the same time, you feel desperate about your goals in a good distance. In relationship with others, we often get bogged down. We feel hopeless when our love, thoughts or care are all like a question without an answer. However, there are still hope and significance in the attempt at understanding between human beings in a narrow sense and between cultures broadly.


Significance of the attempt lies in the state of this dear “incompleteness” of ours, where both the past and the future are in sight rather than focusing just on this moment or on things withing your arm length. It’s like a jump up into the air. With your feet off the ground and your hands holding nothing. Does it sound too romantic? We’re going to look at examples illustrating this in the next posts.


Sur la même longueur d’onde

四字熟語(Locutions japonaises)「以心伝心」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)

Lorsque votre regard rencontre celui d’une personne et vous savez bien à quoi on pense ou de quoi on est près de parler, et alors vous pouvez vous synchroniser avec l’autre, vous pouvez dire…


ishindenshinde, kotobaga nakutemo tsutawarundesu. sugoku hachoga aundesuyo.
Nous nous comprenons mutuellement tellement bien que ce n’est pas la peine de parler pour échanger les informations. Nous sommes sur la même longueur d’onde mentale.

「以心伝心」 ishin denshin

以:au moyen de
心:un cœur
伝:communiquer, transmettre
心:un cœur

À l’origine cette locution se rapporte au secret de Zen transmis au moyen de communication mentale entre les prêtres et disciples. Les disciples lisent les pensées du maître. Zen prêtres ne se tournent pas souvent vers instruction orale ou écrite pour transmettre les secrets. Ce peut-être ressemble à l’expression d’Augustin : Cor ad cor loquitur. Ce se rapporte la relation personnelle entre Dieu et les hommes en prière. Tout comme on se parle des yeux, la conversation silencieuse donne accès à voix intérieure pour se communiquer à cœur ouvert.

元々は、師と弟子が心を通い合わせて伝わる禅の奥義のこと。弟子たちは師の心を読もうとする。禅の奥義は、口伝などに頼らない。アウグスティヌスの”Cor ad cor loquitur(心と心がしゃべる)”に通じるところがある。祈りを通じた神との対話であり、視線を交わすように、沈黙の会話によって心と心を結ぶ。

フランス語で四字熟語(Locutions japonaises)
「一生懸命」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)
「器用貧乏」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)
「以心伝心」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)
「大器晩成」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)
「一期一会」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)

On the Same Wavelength

四字熟語(Japanese idioms)「以心伝心」英語訳(English translation)

When you meet someone else’s eyes and you just know what the other is thinking about or about to say so you can make a mental connection with the other person, you say…
「以心伝心」 ishin denshin

ishindenshin nande, kotobaga nakutemo tsutawarundesu. sugoku hachoga aundesu.
We can read each other’s minds and often share information without speaking, because we are very much on the same mental wavelength.

以:by means of
心:heart, mind
伝:communicate, pass down
心:heart, mind

It originally refers to Zen secrets passed down by means of mental communication between priests and their disciples. The disciples try to read master’s mind. Zen priests don’t often turn to oral or written instructions to pass on Zen secrets.  It might bear some literal resemblance to Augustine’s phrase: Cor ad cor loquitur. It’s about the personal relationship between God and human beings through prayer. Just as eyes speak to eyes, heart speaks to heart in a silent conversing.

元々は、師と弟子が心を通い合わせて伝わる禅の奥義のこと。弟子たちは師の心を読もうとする。禅の奥義は、口伝などに頼らない。アウグスティヌスの”Cor ad cor loquitur(心と心がしゃべる)”に通じるところがある。祈りを通じた神との対話であり、視線を交わすように、沈黙の会話によって心と心を結ぶ。