Coco: In Search of Home


This post is going to be another unusual post because I’m going to introduce a Japanese song to give another perspective on the concept of “Home.” The poetry below is originally written by Toson Shimazaki (1872-1943). Romanticism in his poems has reached to a great height of ever-green lyricism. Combined with melodic elegance and innocence, nostalgia and reminiscences of the past are conjured up in a pleasant way. His attempt to create a longer verse in a modern style at the dawn of modern Japanese literature was a great success, leaving some poems nationally popular to the extent which some senior citizens still recite them on top of their head. This is considered to be one of the best poems representing the general sentimentality of Japanese people.


To many Japanese people, the concept of “Home” has been linked strongly to land. It is something you picture in mind when you are most away from where you were. It is something you have lost. It is something you will never get back. The sentimentality of Japanese people is characterized by these concepts of loss, unattainableness. Throughout history, people have shown keen sympathy for pathetic stories of tragic heroes and samurai warriors and people in exile.




Washed ashore is a coco
From an island whose name I never know

Far away is your homeland
How many months your voyage’s spanned

Fully grown is your mother tree
With ever-growing palms forming a canopy

Sailing with no one but me
Nights have been spent on the restless sea

Clasped to my bosom
The coco reminds me how far-off I have become

Over the foreign waters sets the sun
Through my cheeks briny tears start to run

My longing will sail the form
And some day find its way home



Series: In Search of Home

Pilgrim: In Search of Home

Prepared: In Search of Home

Away: In Search of Home

Coco: In Search of Home

Moon Palace: In Search of Home

Rappelle-moi: In Search of Home

Fear: In Search of Home

Who Knows: In Search of Home

Anchor: In Search of Home

Home: In Search of Home

Fear: In Search of Home

Paula Kelley、歌詞(Lyrics)『I’d Fall in Love With Anyone』日本語訳(Japanese translation)

What is it like to be without home? Knowing that you are OK without anything or any place you can be fixated to, you still, deep down, search for a shore to moor yourself at. What is it that makes you so desperate? Fruitless efforts and “shore” metaphor have led me to one of the lines from a song by Paula Kelley. It says:


How many times must I throw the line before this tiny ship comes crashing to the shore?
Tell me, how many times must I say goodbye before I start believing it for sure?
このちっぽけな船が岸辺にたどり着くまでに いったい何回ロープを投げなきゃいけないの?
よしっこれだ!と思えるまでに いったい何回さよならを言わなきゃいけないの?

Searching for home seems somehow easy for some people and pretty hard for others. Why not look into another great song of Paula Kelly, “I’D Falling In Love With Anyone”, to think about what is nagging us?

「Home」を何故だか楽に見つける人もいる一方で、苦労する人もいる。ポーラ・ケリーのもう一つの素晴らしい曲”I’D Falling Love With Anyone”を探りながら、何が問題なのか考えてみましょう。

The song starts off with the line “You live in fear”. Fear because you are contemplative enough to sense there is something wrong with the outside world. It might be shallowness, ostentation or whatever you see far from the truth – the cold veneer. “The luxury of life so wasted on the vain/A million losing battles can’t explain” All these struggles come to nothing however well-intentioned you are about your decisions and choices. Your deliberate choices, however, have opened up new horizons because “You never see the old within the new”. You are always so thoughtful and eventually so off the beaten path that you face choices all the time to do and not to do. It’s really scary and exhausting. Your fear is that you will never prove your point.

曲は”You live in fear.”「びくびくしながら生きてる」で始まります。考えが深い人だから、外の世界のおかしいところにも気がつく。軽薄さや虚飾、真実とはかけ離れてるように思えるもの全て。つまり、「冷淡で張りあわせのベニヤ板みたいな虚飾」。「人生の豊かさは 無駄に失われていく/何百万もの負け戦の歴史があってもわからない」自分の決定や選択がどんなに考え抜かれたものでも、あらゆる試みも無駄に終わる。しかし、意識的に意思決定をしてきたことが、可能性を広げてくれたりもするのです。なぜなら「なじみのモノは 新しいモノの中には 見つからないわけで」。でも、よくよく考えるうち、楽な道を選ばなくなり、常に選択を迫られるようになる。それは恐ろしく疲れさせるもの。もっとも怖いのは、自分の正しさを証明できないかもしれないという不安。

Metaphysics is a dark ocean without shores or lighthouse, strewn with many a philosophic wreck. – Immanuel Kant

“The trouble with success or how you fit into the world?” Searching for Home is, more or less, a struggle for recognition and affirmation. Searching for Home is a struggle in a world that seems so closely and seamlessly knitted that you might feel you have to squeeze and fit into it. And your biggest fear is that you will never find it.

「落伍者 それとも 社会不適合者?」とあるように、「Home」を求めることは、多かれ少なかれ、認知と承認を求めること。あまりにもぴっちりと隙間なく編み込まれた世界で、身体をねじ込んでどこか入り込めるところを探すこと。そして、最大の恐怖は、そんな隙間が見つからないのかもしれないという不安。

But despite its richness and variability, the well-defined world we inherit doesn’t quite fit each one of us, individually… there will always be times when something is missing or doesn’t quite ring true. And so you make your place in the world by making part of it – by contributing some new part to the set. – Art & Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland


This world is imperfect. We all sense that something is missing. There’s always some space you can fit in.



Paula Kelley – I’d Fall In Love With Anyone


奥底にある野生の自分が 冷淡な虚飾の世界を 認めることができないでいる
安心した次の瞬間 何者かがやってきて 居座ってしまう

真実を耳にしたら 嫌でも耳にはいるけど 打ちのめされるのも最高でしょ
人生の豊かさは 無駄に失われていく

望むのは 見たまんまの世界 表向きがすべての世界
それまでは 若くてピチピチの友だちだって見つかる
なじみのモノは 新しいモノの中には 見つからないわけで

自分だって 誰かと恋に落ちる
どうしたらいいか 教えて
だって 太陽に灼かれて 息も絶え絶えだから

見た目はいいけどとびきりじゃない すごいけど飛び抜けてるわけじゃない
自分の顔をまじまじと見てみる 目に飛び込んでくるのは 見たくないものすべて
鏡は そうやって自分を映してくれる 他の人には見てもらいたくないものを 映してくれる

それで 相変わらず格闘してるわけ?
恥ずかしさに埋もれて 去年とか とにかく 過去のものにしたいと
殻に閉じこもって じっとしてる
最悪の状況に 飲み込まれていく
それで 問題に向き合ってないのは 自分
落伍者 それとも 社会不適合者?
でも そのままじゃ無理

自分を貫くのは大変 言ってることと行動がめちゃくちゃ
嘘も真実も 違いがないように思えるでしょ

Series: In Search of Home

Pilgrim: In Search of Home

Prepared: In Search of Home

Away: In Search of Home

Coco: In Search of Home

Moon Palace: In Search of Home

Rappelle-moi: In Search of Home

Fear: In Search of Home

Who Knows: In Search of Home

Anchor: In Search of Home

Home: In Search of Home

Ne pas tricher

四字熟語(Locutions japonaises)「一生懸命」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)

Lorsque votre amie n’est pas sûre à quoi ses efforts soient vraiment utiles et elle a l’air impatiente et désespérée de simplifier les choses au plus vite, vous pouvez dire…

iiwake mo sezu, zuru mo sezu, tonikaku gambarushika naidesho. isshokemmei yatteireba, itsuka mukuwarerukara.
Sans excuser, sans tricher, fais ton mieux en croyant que tout le travail que tu as fait finalement sera payant.

「一生懸命」 issho kemmei
一生:une vie
懸命:avec dévouement, désespérément, jouer sa vie

À l’origine, 「一所懸命」 issho kemmei
一所:un endroit, une parcelle de terre
懸命:avec dévouement, désespérément, jouer sa vie

Après avoir installé son système de gouvernement militaire, bakufu, à Kamakura, le premier shogun a institué le régime féodal. Le titre et le domaine étaient décernés en échange du succès des campagnes et leur allégeance au shogun. Avec le temps, l’accent sur assurance du domaine s’est transformé en celui sur la gravité de ce qu’on fait avec effort et ce qui se passe une fois dans la vie. Il y a un relent fort de l’accent sur la loyauté féodale et sur l’intégrité morale même à l’époque moderne.


フランス語で四字熟語(Locutions japonaises)
「一生懸命」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)
「器用貧乏」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)
「以心伝心」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)
「大器晩成」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)
「一期一会」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)

Without Cutting Corners

四字熟語(Japanese idioms)「一生懸命」英語訳(English translation)

When your friend is not sure about her efforts and is thinking of taking an easy way out in her reckless haste, you say…

「一生懸命」 issho kenmei

iiwake mo sezu, zuru mo sezu, tonikaku gambarushika naidesho. isshokemmei yatteireba, itsuka mukuwarerukara.
With no excuses, without cutting corners, just do your best, believing all the hard work will eventually pay off.

一生:a lifetime
懸命:devotedly, desperately, to commit one’s whole life
 Originally, 一所懸命
 一所:one place, one plot of land
 懸命:devotedly, desperately, to commit one’s whole life

After establishing the new military headquarters (what is referred to as the shogunate) in Kamakura, the first shogun laid out the feudal system. Under the system, the shogun guaranteed the ownership of land; in return, samurai warriors pledged their loyalty and work hard to secure their land. Over time, the emphasis on securing land has changed into that on a once-in-a-lifetime significance or effort. There has been the strong undertone of feudal loyalty and moral integrity throughout the ages, even in these modern days.
