Act of Living and Rin Ishigaki: Lost and Found


We’ve been examining how art draws out our innermost emotions. I should definitely introduce another great modern poet. Rin Ishigaki (1920-2004) struggled through painful friction between poetry writing and household burden while she made her living as the only bread winner of her family.


Her life was consumed by spending years as a wage earner and a care giver at the expense of her own creative capabilities.


This poem illustrates the moment of a gushing emotion when she stopped to think. She fought through life with a resigned focus on her household life instead of pursuing her own dreams, interests and creative aspirations. In front of rubbles and debris of her household life, an overwhelmingly painful regret came over and she realized how much she lost. This indescribable sense of anger, defeat or powerlessness drew tears to her eyes.


At times we are overwhelmed by an emotion that we have long harbored but tried to suppress while going through day-to-day challenges. This mixed feeling is not owned by anyone else. Your emotions are to belong to you. It’s crude, genuine and real because it’s safe from someone else’s definition, interpretation or terminology. Poems are supposed to tell something that would be compatible with what you feel deep inside.


Many poets including Chuya Nakahara struggle to strike a balance between two different dimensions of existence – pursuing artistic aspirations and making a living. It’s no easy living up to social expectations while instinctively letting passion veer the course of life. Quite a few fell on the road in the effort of seeking a creative outlet.


Nevertheless, poetic sensitivity plays an invaluable role in finding and creating meaning in what people are not always aware of. It helps us through our life journey, a journey of maintaining decency and making sense of what we do. It also helps us feel assuredly compatible with something deep inside that we struggle to express verbally.




Act of Living

You just can’t live without eating
Money and hearts
I just couldn’t have lived a life
I’m full now
My mouth wiped clean
The kitchen floor in a mess
Carrot ends cut off
Chicken bones
Bowels of my dad
Forty years passed and the twilight came on
First ever came into my eyes
Savage tears

Sadness and Chuya Nakahara: Lost and Found


With tolls of New Year’s bell dispelling earthly desires, people welcome the New Year with a refreshed and invigorated mind. It would be great if we could renew our mind overnight. In reality, however, we can’t. Just as we did yesterday, we still undergo pangs of regret and remorse, or feel a void in our hearts. In front of us emerges something that we didn’t give much thought to while wading through hectic days.

To discuss these emotions, let me introduce one of the most popular poems on sadness. It’s written by Chuya Nakahara. Sadness here is not about what you are crying over at this moment but about what lingers after your tears dry. It’s about your heart aching 1) when people describe your own ineffable sorrow in a clichéd manner, 2) when you are racked with self-doubt over the belief that sadness is experienced by everyone, big or small, and self-doubt over how to argue against the idea that one’s sadness is of great or little value, and 3) when you put too much interpretation on sadness. Let’s see what sadness of ours that “ain’t innocent at all” looks like.


What does it mean, this sadness that “ain’t innocent at all”? Let’s see how it can be interpreted. In the first place, we are not simple-hearted anymore. While small children burst into a fit of laughter in the next moment after throwing a tantrum, we, as grownups, like to make things complicated. We just can’t keep things simple. Not only do we take care of ourselves, we also take into account our family and the communities that impose an ever-growing burden and sadness. We also give too much meaning and interpretation to sadness when explaining, or illustrating, a sadness of our own. It all ends up finding a sadness lost its original sensations or colors. It becomes ugly and gross.


Another cause is disregard of one’s own sadness. Even with life imposing burden and pain on us, most of us believe that we somehow survive. Is it a privilege to indulge in this sadness? Isn’t it more righteous to think about what you can do to others and the wider society? It’s true your sadness is yours and invaluable, but you somehow belittle yourself in awkwardness and feel harder to break out of your ever harder shell as you sink into yourself.


Another possible interpretation is that sadness comes from a sense of being violated and tainted. There is something that you feel authentic about your sadness, but this can be described with worn-out clichés or interpreted within the frame of ready-made ideas. Once you venture an expression, you fear that people are too judgmental. Then you feel intimidated, discouraged and resigned from giving careful explanation in view of possible misunderstanding. Unwillingness and powerlessness overwhelm you.


Art has power to find whatever feelings you suppress, try to forget, or let go. We’re going to examine this role played by art – a mental lost and found.




This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Under another pall of snow
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Standing stiff as chilly gusts of wind blow
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
A fox pelt is something alike
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Scrunching down as snowflakes strike
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Never missing human wishes in their absence
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Inertly tempted to end this existence
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Scared and small
This sadness ain’t innocent at all
Stranded as the nights fall


Enlightenment At This Moment


Enlightenment is pretty much misunderstood. People tend to believe enlightenment is something you are yet to attain or achieve, but Dogen(1200-1253) gives it a different definition. Arguing that no bird ever attempts to understand everything about the sky, he debunks the idea that the path won’t be open to us until we achieve enlightenment. Instead, he argues that it is in our living that we can be open to the world. Enlightenment exists in our everyday existence. He adds to it a further explanation as follows.


The space and the path is beyond the grasp of numerical calculation, beyond the concept of possession, beyond the measure of time. They don’t either last or emerge, but they just exist as they are.

That’s beyond preference over either pursuing material affluence or finding richness in a simple, frugal life style. Instead, that’s what we have now. That’s beyond boundaries. Our life is interdependent. What we have now is here because someone else has worked it out at the expense of their time and energy. Just as we take in someone else’s ideas, we do have some impact on someone else’s life. While hoping to feel authentic, we know some parts of our existence are sustained by interaction with others. We know the value of the lessons we take from history, which is incessantly reinterpreted. What seems old often turns out to be new, and vice versa. It follows that nothing can be fixed in terms of shape or meaning. It’s just here in interaction. It’s something grasped by our broadened mind and perspective.


Only after do you take flight, you get to know how to use your wings. You lose your perspective when you get bogged down in the attempt of knowing. Instead, expose yourself to the world. You become aware of the richness and abundance of the world, which is shared with other people and is incessantly interpreted or deconstructed. It is much more resourceful than you ever know. Enlightenment is not what you achieve. It’s not what you can find in a different, sublime realm. It’s right here at this moment.


Fish, Birds and Day-to-day Enlightenment


Do you obsess yourself with full research to prepare for your trip or try to make it as spontaneous as possible? People sometimes do a thorough research on towns and cities they are going to visit but all too often things don’t make sense until you actually jump in and immerse yourself in that environment. Open-mindedness over knowing is the key. In his Zen cannon, Shobo Genzo, Dogen speaks to us about how enlightenment comes about, taking fish and birds for example.

うを水をゆくに、ゆけども水のきはなく、鳥そらをとぶに、とぶといへどもそらのきはなし。(…) しかあるを、水をきはめ、そらをきはめてのち、水そらをゆかんと擬する鳥魚あらんは、水にもそらにもみちをうべからず、ところをうべからず。このところをうれば、この行李したがひて現成公案す。このみちをうれば、この行李したがひて現成公案なり。

Fish swims in the water but they never reach its end. Birds fly in the air but they never reach its end. (…) But if they try to know everything about the water or the sky before they dip into the water or take a flight into the sky, the path nor space will never be open to them. If we are open to the space and the path, we find ourselves enlightened in our day-to-day existence.

魚は水を泳ぐ。しかし、いくら泳いでも水の果てはない。鳥は空を飛ぶ。これまた、いくら飛んでも空の果てはない。(…) ところが、水を究め尽くしてから水を行こうとか、空を究め尽くしてから空を行こうと考える鳥や魚は、水にも空にも道を得ることはできない。有り処を得ることもできない。この有り処とも言えるものを得られれば、日常生活の中に森羅万象を感じられ、この道を得ることで、日常生活の中に悟りを得る。

Before we start something new, we often have a lot of anticipation. Visiting new places, striking up a new relationship with people, and carrying out unfamiliar procedures. All of these involves a lot of anticipation. The problem is that you are so scared that you just try to know everything beforehand, which keeps you from even getting your feet wet.


Knowing things beforehand doesn’t necessarily mean knowing things well. Now that you can do thorough research on anything online, you may be able to equip yourself with knowledge and information that you believe are necessary. You could check out the area with the map application. You could check out all different reviews on hotels and books. But in many cases things turn out to be different from what you expected to be or much clearer and more vivid when you experience them, so much so that you finally take things to heart.


What is stressed here, however, is not about urging people to make a try before giving a second thought. It’s about how you keep in mind that there is still something you never know after all research. That’s how you stay open to what surrounds you. You are aware of the limitless space but never bewildered about endless path. You never be desperate for the goal or frustrated by the absence of achievement. This will help you see the path unfold. That’s how you are open to the path.


Among language learners good at communicating in their target language, some are aware of the impossibility of perfect mastery. This keeps them away from getting desperate in learning. They are just able to take in what they experience in a quite natural way. That’s the way you are open to whatever surrounds you.


Some people create an intimate atmosphere in instant. Some people show their enthusiasm and optimism. Instead of being desperate about understanding everything, they just take in whatever unfolds before them. For them, each encounter with people and events is perceived as seeing things as they are.


Lost in Enlightenment


Some ten years ago I came across an interesting book on the definition of “beautiful” women. It examines how beauty has been differently defined over time and visits different areas around the world to see how the definitions differ from culture to culture.


Women were asked about their own definition and condition of being beautiful. Many of them pointed out the inner beauty. The supplementing comment on that page concluded that it’s a matter of whether you are content with yourself or not. How can you be content with yourself? This question has led me to rereading one of the most important Zen canons, Shobo Genzo by Dogen.



“Learning Buddihist principles means learning yourself. Learning yourself means forgetting yourself. Forgetting yourself means being open to whatever surrounds you. Being open to whatever surrounds you means leaving behind whatever you are physically and psychologically bound to.”


This passage is from Genjo Koan, a volume from the Shobo Genzo. What matters to be enlightened is to forget yourself, discard the concept of achieving from your mindset. It follows that your desire to be content with yourself is the very reason why you are not content with yourself. A problem arises when you want to get wherever you want to be. If you want to achieve something or some particular state of being, you always frustrated, wondering “I’m yet to be there.”


We are all afraid of getting lost on the path of life and desperate to find the “right” track. The truth is, there is nothing like the right track. Once you get the idea of hoping to achive the state of enlightenment, you will be lost in an eternal state of getting nowhere. Acknowledging the state of being lost and the fact of no goal coming into sight will lead you to peace and serenity.


Being open to whatever surrounds you means that your understanding of the universe is more direct. You don’t try to interprete or define things by the use of a language. Expose yourself to whatever surrounds you without giving them names. Everything is on the flux. Whatever you see now will change its face in the course of time. You just see them in the transition. You just don’t have to give names to each and every wave on the sea. Once you step away from the realm of definition, you will see beauty, not as someone else defined it but you will see it as it is.


People Help The People: In The Attempt

Birdy、歌詞(Lyrics)『People Help The People』日本語訳(Japanese translation)

We’ve been thinking about the state of being “In The Attempt.” The theme revolves around subjects such as the act of reaching out, the restless feeling of incompleteness, a life on hold, and {Read more…} “People Help The People: In The Attempt

Birdy、歌詞(Lyrics)『People Help The People』日本語訳(Japanese translation)

Bitter Sweet Symphony: In The Attempt

The Verve、歌詞(Lyrics)『Bitter Sweet Symphony』日本語訳(Japanese translation)

Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve is one of the great songs on bittersweetness of life. This anthem, along with the symbolic music video, brings home to us the inevitable fate of death despite all of our longings.

The Verveの”Bitter Sweet Symphony”は、生きることの甘酸っぱさを歌った90年代のUKロックを代表する一曲ではないでしょうか。このアンセムは、様々な憧れがあるけれども、死という動かしがたい運命へ人は歩いてゆくということを、象徴的なミュージックビデオと共に伝えています。

We hope to follow a path we want, but quite often we have no choice but to follow the path we’ve ever been down because we always have certain constraints. Your employers, organizations, family members, your own physical, financial or social constraints wouldn’t allow you to choose to make a change. You feel all the more frustrated and powerless against circumstances.


L’irrationnel, la nostalgie humaine et l’absurde qui surgit de leur tête-à-tête, voilà les trois personnages du drame. Le mythe de Sisyphe by Albert Camus

The song contrasts our inevitable fate and our human longing. We have no choice but to walk toward “the places where all the veins meet” – death – because it’s ” the only road I’ve ever been down.” It’s inevitable truth. It’s beyond our control. It’s not a matter of your willpower. It leads you to get trapped and confined in a way that you feel “I am here in my mold.” But at the same time, the knowledge and experience you have acquired as you get old encourage you to believe in a possibility that “I’m a million different people from one day to the next.” We want to believe that it is our human intelligence and imagination that make it possible to understand human existence in terms of multifaceted composition and to see things from several points of view.


He walks on. It seems that he doesn’t do anything about avoiding obstacles on his way or changing his speed. Just as loss and separation, trouble and hardship, all comes out of the blue, fate is beyond our control. He just walks on while people raise their eyebrows, he knows he runs into trouble and he has no idea how to avoid it. Some of the stumbling blocks can be anticipated but that will not help us to avoid them. We just walk on.


Between his desire to be different and circumstances that tie him to the present situation, he feels trapped and decides to pray, saying “tonight I’m on my knees.” It’s not what he always does. He desperately needs some solace, someone who recognizes him. “But the airwaves are clean and there’s nobody singing to me now.” Fate doesn’t allow you to run away from tormenting truth. Then he walks on, occasionally bumping into obstacles, at a regular pace. Time passes precisely and mercilessly – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year – till the end.


The Verve – Bitter Sweet Symphony

これが人生 甘酸っぱい ひとつの交響曲
毎日をあくせくと 金銭の奴隷となり 迎える終局
これが 自分の知る唯一の道だ さあ行こう
全てが導かれゆく その場所を 君は知っているだろう

無理だ 変えられっこない 無理 無理だ
がっちり 決められていて 身動きがとれないんだ
でも 変えようがないんだ 無理 無理なんだ

祈るなんて自分らしくない でも今夜は跪こう
この苦しみと響きあう音に 耳を澄まそう
鳴り響くメロディー 空っぽの頭 これが自由
けれども 反応はなし 歌いかけてくれる人はなし

Where is My Mind: In The Attempt

Sunday Girl、歌詞(Lyrics)『Where is My Mind?』日本語訳(Japanese translation)

Albert Camus is considered to be a philosopher of absurdity. But it seems that the concept of absurdity is pretty much misunderstood. Absurdity does not mean that life is meaningless, pointless or hopeless. It’s not just a philosophical concept. Rather, it gives us an explanation to our flesh and blood feel of struggling through life.


Mais ce qui est absurde, c’est la confrontation de cet irratiionnel et de ce désir éperdu de clarté dont l’appel résonne au plus profond de l’homme. Albert Camus – Le mythe de Sisyphe

Absurdity, as Camus defines it, does not refer to the irrational itself but to a contradicting human desire. We know too well that many things in life come up in a random way but we are obsessed with finding meaning, logic or reason behind them. Our life revolves around a certain circle of supportive and beloved people, some of whom will be gone sooner or later. Even when we want to and make some efforts to follow a certain path of life, life gets an unexpected turn. Nonetheless, we desperately seek the value and meaning in those practices and events in life. That is what Camus calls absurdity.


The following song is a really good example of challenging our desire to seek meaning.

Sunday Girl – Where Is My Mind

その足は宙に 頭は地面に
頭はぺっちゃんこ だって 頭なんて空っぽでしょ
そして自問する いったいどうなってんだ?

小さな魚たちだけが 教えてくれた
必死に 何か言っていた 「コイツが鯉です」

大海原で見たんです そいつは泳いでいたんです

The Myth Of Sisyphus: In The Attempt

Albert Camusアルベール・カミュ『シーシュポスの神話』日本語訳(Traduction japonaises)

Our day-to-day challenges are really exhausting such as feeling disappointed at the results after all the efforts you made, another problem coming up right after you solved one, tragic incidents happening all around. Our life and efforts sometimes seem to be a meaningless run on the running-wheel. In exploring the topics around “In The Attempt”, or ubiquitous human efforts to reach for something that is out of sight, this sense of meaninglessness starts to loom over our prospects. Let’s consider this problem by looking at the key concept in “Le mythe de Sisyphe” by Albert Camus.

Les dieux avaient condamné Sisyphe à rouler sans cesse un rocher jusqu’au sommet d’une montagne d’où la pierre retombait par son propre poids. Ils avaient pensé avec quelque raison qu’il n’est pas de punition plus terrible que le travail inutile et sans espoir.  Le mythe de Sisyphe by Albert Camus

The biggest pain of the punishment can be explained by the fact that although he is well aware of his unrequited effort, he never stops his labor that is of no use. How despairing it is to see the rock rolling down the hill after your reaching the top of the hill. However, Camus made a logical turn. The point is, Sisyphus doesn’t climb the hill only once but endlessly. You would be disappointed to see the rock rolling down once you reached the top, but what is more painful is that you know that tragedy inevitably happens and, nevertheless, you are enforced to perform the duty ceaselessly.


(…) A chacun de ces instants, où il quitte les sommets et s’enfonce peu à peu vers les tanières des dieux, il est supérieur à son destin. Il est plus fort que son rocher. (…) quand l’appel du bonheur se fait trop pesant, il arrive que la tristesse se lève au cœur de l’homme: c’est la victoire du rocher, c’est le rocher lui-même. (…) Mais les vérités écrasantes périssent d’être reconnues. Le mythe de Sisyphe by Albert Camus
(…) 頂上から神々の巣窟まで戻って行く度ごとに、シーシュポスは運命を制圧していた。転がる岩に勝利していたのだ。(…) 幸せの呼び声を重圧と感じるとき、哀しみが人の心に湧き上がる。それは岩の方の勝利だ。岩の重苦しさそのものだ。(…) しかし、この重い真実は、認識されることで消滅してくれるのだ。

Sisyphus is aware of a recurrence of torturing duty, but he makes an intentional decision to face the futile. That’s his triumph over fate. Our everyday life is full of these fertile practices – what you worked hard for bears no fruits, what you created is soon to be crumbled, what you believe you kept in mind is gone. But if you do your best, create and remember something while understanding all will be gone anyhow, you will feel that you are focused and committed and that it is nonetheless meaningful and valuable.


Il y a deux sortes d’hommes, ceux qui subissent le destin, et ceux qui choisissent de le subir. Le Coran

This passage tells us the value of resigning yourself to fate and choosing a rough and thorny path, instead of wailing over merciless fate. Through our everyday existence, we could choose a life in which you always stop to think about the consequences of your choices, do conscious decision-making and face an uphill struggle, instead of following a beaten path. We could also follow an unorthodox but ethical lifestyle with little modern convenience of well-commercialized goods and services.


Fate, for Camus, is no doubt our inevitable truth: death. In terms of literal death and loss of something, only after do we resign ourselves to fate, we can say “all is well”. Anything you do care about will be gone sooner or later. Only when are you aware of this truth, caring about something starts to bear true meaning and value. Being aware of the truth is not a tragedy but a euphoric leap.


A Glimpse of Humor: In The Attempt


We are more or less exposed to minor nervous breakdowns on a daily basis. We sometimes feel weary of and overwhelmed by an enormity and gravity of powerlessness or futility. It might be that you hit the rock bottom, that you get stuck in the middle of nowhere or that you are lost and low from total lack of confidence in yourself. Quite a few ancient poems bring home these painful feelings, some of which are so pathetic that we are even taken aback. Do you remember a waka by Izumi Shikibu and Princess Shikishi? Her words were of almost heartbreaking pathos. But there is an occasional glimpse of humor in the ornate and solemn facade of the ancient anthology. Here is a surprisingly humorous waka from Kokinshu, one of the greatest anthologies from the 10th century, singing about despair.


よのなかの うきたびごとに みをなげば ふかきたにこそ あさくなりなめ
yononakano ukitabigotoni miwo nageba fukaki tanikoso asaku nariname

Each and every worldly concern
Would drive you crazy and you might as well throw yourself into the valley
But, wait a minute, see how its bottom comes up and up at every turn

辛いことがあるたびに身投げしていたら 深い谷も浅くなってしまうよ

It seems that this sort of sarcastic humor has not been fully accepted and established yet here in Japan. This country has taken a keep-calm-and-carry-on attitude. As resigned and patient to fate as we seem, we sill have something more to learn from what was written more than a thousand years ago.