Vagabond: Lyricism of Kokinshu

『古今集(古今和歌集)』和歌「よのなかは いづれかさして わがならむ いきとまるをぞ やどとさだむる」英語訳

Here is an extra post adding one more look into Kokinshu to the “Lyricism of Kokinshu” series. Some unique poems from the anthology are distinctive in their choice of subjects and their techniques, but this one is absolutely different from the other 1110 poems. It’s a modern (or post-modern) perspective on a sense of home and a state of being a modern vagabond that makes this waka exceptional.

よのなかは いづれかさして わがならむ いきとまるをぞ やどとさだむる
yononaka wa idureka sashite waganaran ikitomaruwozo yadoto sadamuru

We all try to find a place like home
In this world, into which we were all thrown,
Wherever I am, wherever I roam,
I will ground myself in a world that I call my own

Is there any place in this world that I can call home? Well, I’ll make a home wherever I get.
この世の中の一体いずこも 自分の居場所と定められようか 行き着いた先どこをも居場所としよう

A modern vagabond. The One who won’t stay at one place but stray. The one who won’t seek a perfect location but establish themselves anywhere they get. Though many people still try to secure a physical environment where they could settle down, seek for a community they would thoroughly conform to, we live in a time where institutionalized certainties no longer guide us, or everything has arguably become questionable and questioned. General mobility and frequent travel mark our time. Think about our career, our position and our role to play in society. People are always on the move. We are, in a sense, all wanderers.


Criticized for bringing about fragmentation of interests and distractions, alienation and disillusionment, and fragmentation of society and individuals, the modernized world is still getting smaller and smaller. The speed with which communication takes place allows our identities to be more multidimensional. Whatever self you believe you are supposed to be, you undergo constant exposure to different ideas and experiences, and your sense of self also undergoes constant revision. Take on an ever-changing world, and you learn to choose your own fate. Having a “home” is now something never to be taken for granted.


This anonymous poem, written more than 1000 years ago, sings out that kind of determination. Why not wrap up the Kokinshu series here and in the next series of posts take a further look at the theme: Home.


Strongly Related
Moon Palace: In Search of Home

Colors: Lyricism of Kokinshu

『古今集(古今和歌集)』和歌「ふくかぜの いろのちぐさに みえつるは あきのこのはの ちればなりけり」英語訳

Imagination is a key to fully capturing the beauty of nature. That’s what poets from Kokinshu often do. They are not necessarily obsessed about depicting natural phenomena in detail, but instead they often let their imagination work to personify or magnify what can be found in the natural settings. Let’s look into into the technique.


ふくかぜの いろのちぐさに みえつるは あきのこのはの ちればなりけり
Fukukazeno irono chigusani mietsuruwa akino konohano chireba narikeri

In this extravaganza
The wind takes on glorious hues
Of gold and red
That falling leaves wildly diffuse

I saw various colors in the wind. It’s like leaves in various colors, gushingly falling from the trees, are pigmenting the winds.
吹く風がさまざまな色に見えたのは 色とりどりの秋の木の葉が 風に乗って散っているからなんだなあ

Falling leaves painting the winds. How poetic! This is how imagination works. It seems like Japanese people have somewhat spiritual affinity for this type of imaginative and romantic lyricism and people have long been attracted by something perceived by intuition instead of something achieved through building up rational arguments. Oftentimes imagination fully works out of a logical structure. Another background is polytheistic tradition of this country. Natural objects such as rocks and mountains, natural phenomena such as winds and fire, and also historic figures were and have been treated as gods. This somehow makes it easy for poets to personify and identify with what they see and hear in the nature. In the end, let’s get back to its preface and see what this is all about.



Our poems
Are born of our kernel hearts
Grow into millions of leaves


The world of mankind
teeming with earthly business
Finds a path for sensations
through whatever catches our eyes and ears


Nightingales warble in flowers
Frogs croak at the pond
The living things
Are all endowed with
Poetic spirit


Our poems
Give the universe an effortless turn
Derive much inspiration from divine spirits
Soothe feelings between men and women
And subdue warrior fearlessness

Series: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Poetic Spirit: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Acrostic Poems: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Tribute to Autumn: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Risqué innuendo: Lyricism of Kokinshu
The Moon: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Crickets: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Let go: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Wild Geese: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Colors: Lyricism of Kokinshu

Wild Geese: Lyricism of Kokinshu

『古今集(古今和歌集)』和歌「うきことを おもひつらねて かりがねの なきこそわたれ あきのよなよな」英語訳

Any other seasonal subjects for a poem? Yes, we have one. Wild geese. Have you ever seen a flock of wild geese in the sky or hear them honking? Here is a waka about that imagery.


うきことを おもひつらねて かりがねの なきこそわたれ あきのよなよな
ukikotowo omoitsuranete kariganeno nakikoso watare akino yona yona

wild geese
flying and honking
a string of worries
one after another
night after night

A flock of wild geese fly in tight formation, honking because of a series of troubled thoughts, night after night.

A flock of wild geese in flight used to be a common sight throughout Japan. The arrival of migrant geese was once a sign of the new season. Japanese people loudly boast the land’s beauty of nature but we have lost much of it in numerous parts of the country. Lyricism emerges when a poet develops an imagery of nature in expressing their emotions with a 31-word constraint. Many of the songs from Kokinshu lead us to look back with great nostalgia.