Colors: Lyricism of Kokinshu

『古今集(古今和歌集)』和歌「ふくかぜの いろのちぐさに みえつるは あきのこのはの ちればなりけり」英語訳

Imagination is a key to fully capturing the beauty of nature. That’s what poets from Kokinshu often do. They are not necessarily obsessed about depicting natural phenomena in detail, but instead they often let their imagination work to personify or magnify what can be found in the natural settings. Let’s look into into the technique.


ふくかぜの いろのちぐさに みえつるは あきのこのはの ちればなりけり
Fukukazeno irono chigusani mietsuruwa akino konohano chireba narikeri

In this extravaganza
The wind takes on glorious hues
Of gold and red
That falling leaves wildly diffuse

I saw various colors in the wind. It’s like leaves in various colors, gushingly falling from the trees, are pigmenting the winds.
吹く風がさまざまな色に見えたのは 色とりどりの秋の木の葉が 風に乗って散っているからなんだなあ

Falling leaves painting the winds. How poetic! This is how imagination works. It seems like Japanese people have somewhat spiritual affinity for this type of imaginative and romantic lyricism and people have long been attracted by something perceived by intuition instead of something achieved through building up rational arguments. Oftentimes imagination fully works out of a logical structure. Another background is polytheistic tradition of this country. Natural objects such as rocks and mountains, natural phenomena such as winds and fire, and also historic figures were and have been treated as gods. This somehow makes it easy for poets to personify and identify with what they see and hear in the nature. In the end, let’s get back to its preface and see what this is all about.



Our poems
Are born of our kernel hearts
Grow into millions of leaves


The world of mankind
teeming with earthly business
Finds a path for sensations
through whatever catches our eyes and ears


Nightingales warble in flowers
Frogs croak at the pond
The living things
Are all endowed with
Poetic spirit


Our poems
Give the universe an effortless turn
Derive much inspiration from divine spirits
Soothe feelings between men and women
And subdue warrior fearlessness

Series: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Poetic Spirit: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Acrostic Poems: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Tribute to Autumn: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Risqué innuendo: Lyricism of Kokinshu
The Moon: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Crickets: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Let go: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Wild Geese: Lyricism of Kokinshu
Colors: Lyricism of Kokinshu

Wild Geese: Lyricism of Kokinshu

『古今集(古今和歌集)』和歌「うきことを おもひつらねて かりがねの なきこそわたれ あきのよなよな」英語訳

Any other seasonal subjects for a poem? Yes, we have one. Wild geese. Have you ever seen a flock of wild geese in the sky or hear them honking? Here is a waka about that imagery.


うきことを おもひつらねて かりがねの なきこそわたれ あきのよなよな
ukikotowo omoitsuranete kariganeno nakikoso watare akino yona yona

wild geese
flying and honking
a string of worries
one after another
night after night

A flock of wild geese fly in tight formation, honking because of a series of troubled thoughts, night after night.

A flock of wild geese in flight used to be a common sight throughout Japan. The arrival of migrant geese was once a sign of the new season. Japanese people loudly boast the land’s beauty of nature but we have lost much of it in numerous parts of the country. Lyricism emerges when a poet develops an imagery of nature in expressing their emotions with a 31-word constraint. Many of the songs from Kokinshu lead us to look back with great nostalgia.

Let go: Lyricism of Kokinshu

『古今集(古今和歌集)』和歌「あきかぜに あへずちりぬる もみぢばの ゆくへさだめぬ われぞかなしき」英語訳

Lyricism of Kokinshu is characterized by expressing emotions while singing about nature. Falling leaves arouses a certain kind of sadness. Is it the waning and withering of life? Or is it uncertainty and transience of life?

あきかぜに あへずちりぬる もみぢばの ゆくへさだめぬ われぞかなしき
akikazeni aezu chirinuru momijiba no yukue sadamenu warezo kanashiki

The trees let their leaves go
As the autumn winds blow
All adrift helplessly and hopelessly
That’s what I meant to be

Leaves fall in the autumn winds without resistance. They have no exact direction. I have no idea where I will go, which makes me sad.
秋の風に耐え切れず散ってゆく紅葉の葉は 行方は決まっていない 自分の運命も同じようにどこへ向かいどうなっていくのかわからない それが悲しい

Transitory and frail nature of life is one of the keys to understand sensitivity expressed in Japanese ancient writings. Autumn brings melancholy. Falling leaves signifies frailty. This is the axiom. The ever-changing exterior of nature such as the leaves withering and falling is often internalized by poets anticipating gloom uncertainty and frailty. “Aezu” here means “without resistance”, or “let go”. It’s no easy to let go of what you have in the face of a challenge, but it’s a state of calmness that you can achieve once you are aware that nothing stays the same and all you need to is just follow the course of nature.

Crickets: Lyricism of Kokinshu

『古今集(古今和歌集)』和歌「あきのよの あくるもしらず なくむしは わがごとものや かなしかるらむ」英語訳

Here is another Waka from Kokinshu portraying a melancholic autumn. What in natural settings do you think would be the best to express melancholy, especially in this season?

あきのよの あくるもしらず なくむしは わがごとものや かなしかるらむ
akinoyono akurumo sirazu naku mushiwa wagagoto monoya kanashikaruram

Autumn insects chirring and chirping the whole night long
Aren’t we of the same breed, singing a sad song?

Crickets chirping all night might have something sad to sing about just as I do.
秋の夜長に一晩中なき続ける虫たちは 私と同じように何か悲しいことがあるのだろうか。


あきはぎも いろづきぬれば きりぎりす わがねぬごとや よるはかなしき
akihagimo irodukinureba kirigirisu waga nenugotoya yoruwa kanashiki

Yellow leaves of bush clover deeper in hue
We are all well into the fall
Crickets chirping the whole night through
Sleepless in sadness as you bawl

The bush clover is changing its color into deep yellow as autumn deepens, so crickets are chirping and I am awake in sadness throughout the night.
秋が深まるにつれて萩も色づき こおろぎもますます泣いているが 私と同じように悲しくて眠れないのだろうか

Another typical subject of Autumn songs is crickets. Japanese language has one general word for “chirping”, “chirring” and “warbling”: naku (crying/weeping). This fact makes it easy for a poet to use bugs and animals in a song about sadness. Chirring is a low, trilling sound while chirping sound is short, sharp, high-pitched. Look around and try to find something warbling, making a weeping sound, then you can get what you can share your tears with. But in urban settings it might be a squeaky door, the whir of a laptop fan, or the hum of lights and power lines.

秋の歌で取り上げられることが多いのが、こおろぎです。虫の鳴き声や鳥のさえずりなど色々ありますが、充てられる一般的な日本語の言葉は、「泣く」です。これによって虫や動物を、悲しくて泣くという歌に登場させることができるのです。”Chirring”は ジージー、リーンリーンといった低く震えるような音を、”Chirping”はジッジッ、ギッギッなどの短く鋭い高い音を表しています。周りを見渡して、泣くような音を立てているものを探してみましょう。それが、共に泣くことのできる相手ともなるわけです。ただ都会では、きしむドアや、パソコンのファンの音、電灯や送電線のブーンという音になってしまいますかね。


The Moon: Lyricism of Kokinshu

『古今集(古今和歌集)』和歌「このまより もりくるつきの かげみれば こころづくしの あきはきにけり」英語訳

The moon is one of the most typical subjects to describe deepening autumn. Seeing the moon in the autumn sky arouses pain and sadness. The technique is not as explicit as in the following Waka.

このまより もりくるつきの かげみれば こころづくしの あきはきにけり
konomayori morikuru tsukino kage mireba kokorodukushino akiwa kinikeri

The moonbeams flickering
Through the branches of trees
The herald of pensive fall
I lapse into melancholy

When I see moonbeams shining through the branches of trees, I notice that autumn has come, which put me into a pensive mood.

“Autumn=Melancholy” This equation is not found in earlier anthologies like Manyoshu, the first anthology of Japanese poems, and it was said to be newly brought from ancient China. Poets from the age of Kokinshu put new term in this equation. That is the moon.

Risqué innuendo: Lyricism of Kokinshu

『古今集(古今和歌集)』和歌「ももくさの はなのひもとく あきののに おもひたはれむ ひとなとがめそ」英語訳

Kokinshu is a really unique anthology, for it includes not only stylized elegant poems but also poems with humor and wordplay. Here is a Waka with an unexpectedly risqué pun.

ももくさの はなのひもとく あきののに おもひたはれむ ひとなとがめそ
momokusano hanano himotoku akino noni omoi tawarem hitona togameso

On the autumn leas
The flowers are all disrobing at ease
How breezy and fun it would be
If we could be as carefree

Literally: The flowers are in full bloom(disrobing) on the autumn fields, so please don’t keep us from having fun.
さまざまな花が咲き誇る秋の野原で 思い切り戯れてみたい 人にはとがめられたくないよ

What we see here is cute innuendos on the verge of being raunchy. Himotoku means coming into bloom and untying a sash. Omoitawaru indicates having fun nonchalantly. The question is having fun with who. One interpretation is autumn flowers but… Modern readers would be still surprised, puzzled and fascinated by its diversity.


Tribute to Autumn: Lyricism of Kokinshu

『古今集(古今和歌集)』和歌「あききぬと めにはさやかに みえねども かぜのおとにぞ おどろかれぬる」英語訳

On the first day of autumn by the lunar calendar, as the first song in the 4th volume of Kokinshu dedicated to Autumn, Fujiwara no Toshiyuku paid a tribute to the beginning of the season.

あききぬと めにはさやかに みえねども かぜのおとにぞ おどろかれぬる
aki kinuto meniwa sayakani mienedomo kazeno otonizo odorokarenuru

How can you see autumn come?
You can hear it in the wind.

You can’t see explicitly if the autumn has already arrived but you notice it when you hear the sound of the wind.
秋が来たと 目でははっきりとは分からないけど 風の音で 秋だなと気づかされるなあ

Fujiwara no Toshiyuki is well-known as one of the 36 great poets from the Heian era. The sensation he got in the autumn wind is no different from what we feel today. What he did well is incorporating different sensory perceptions – visual and auditory – into this song despite the constraint of 31 words of Waka. Though many of the poems in Kokinshu were wrote about 1000 years ago, they still speak to modern readers like us when we look around and pay attention to how nature works and what nature brings us from season to season.


Acrostic Poems: Lyricism of Kokinshu

『古今集(古今和歌集)』和歌「からころも きつつなれにし つましあれば はるばるきぬる たびをしぞおもふ」英語訳

One of the features of the Kokinshu anthology is its well-crafted style, whose overuse was criticized later in history. Here is one of the techniques: Acrostic poems. You can read particular letters of each line that spell a word. Kokinshu is predominantly written in Kana, which made this technique possible. When Ariwara no Narihira finds Kakitsubata (a rabbit-ear iris) on the roadside and decides to sing while wriggling puns and the subject acrostically.


らころも つつなれにし ましあれば るばるきぬる びをしぞおもふ (在原業平)
karakoromo kitutunarenishi tsumashi areba harubaru kinueu tabiwosizo omou

In the course of this tour
Ragged and worn-out is this robe
Intimate acquaintance I made
Sunk into my mind and heart


I incorporated Japanese acrostic technique in translating this poem into English. Read downwards, and you can find the first letter of each line spell “iris”. Even more, you can find some words related to each other (koromo: a robe, ki: to wear, naru: worn-out) and homonyms (tsuma: a hem/a woman, ki: to wear/to come). All of these became possible after the invention of Kana character. The underlying principle is to express the feelings through the medium of what you see and hear. Here he intentionally uses particular intermediary words to express the long way he labored while hinting his relationship with a woman.


Poetic Spirit: Lyricism of Kokinshu


Kokin wakashu, or Kokinshu , “The Anthology: Now and Then”, is the first imperial anthology of Japanese poems, Waka, in the 10th century. Its preface is well known because it is the first prose written in Kana characters instead of Kanji characters and tells a great deal about the aesthetic sensitivity of a certain period of the history of Japanese literature.



Our poems
Are born of our kernel hearts
Grow into millions of leaves


The world of mankind
teeming with earthly business
Finds a path for sensations
through whatever catches our eyes and ears


Nightingales warble in flowers
Frogs croak at the pond
The living things
Are all endowed with
Poetic spirit


Our poems
Give the universe an effortless turn
Derive much inspiration from divine spirits
Soothe feelings between men and women
And subdue warrior fearlessness

The anthology is characterized by its first collection of poems with crafted style, puns and humor. Modern critics under influence of European literature, however, undermined its value, arguing that poems from Kokinshu are dull and boring because they seem too romantic, too stylized and lack objectivity. Waka in the modern era try to capture and depict things as they are. On the contrary, the virtue of waka from Kokinshu is to “find a path for sensations through whatever catches our eyes and ears”. They always likened the human feelings to living things, nature and shifting of seasons. That’s the lyricism of Kokinshu. I’d like to delve into its beauty by introducing some examples in the following posts.
