Poetic Spirit: Lyricism of Kokinshu


Kokin wakashu, or Kokinshu , “The Anthology: Now and Then”, is the first imperial anthology of Japanese poems, Waka, in the 10th century. Its preface is well known because it is the first prose written in Kana characters instead of Kanji characters and tells a great deal about the aesthetic sensitivity of a certain period of the history of Japanese literature.



Our poems
Are born of our kernel hearts
Grow into millions of leaves


The world of mankind
teeming with earthly business
Finds a path for sensations
through whatever catches our eyes and ears


Nightingales warble in flowers
Frogs croak at the pond
The living things
Are all endowed with
Poetic spirit


Our poems
Give the universe an effortless turn
Derive much inspiration from divine spirits
Soothe feelings between men and women
And subdue warrior fearlessness

The anthology is characterized by its first collection of poems with crafted style, puns and humor. Modern critics under influence of European literature, however, undermined its value, arguing that poems from Kokinshu are dull and boring because they seem too romantic, too stylized and lack objectivity. Waka in the modern era try to capture and depict things as they are. On the contrary, the virtue of waka from Kokinshu is to “find a path for sensations through whatever catches our eyes and ears”. They always likened the human feelings to living things, nature and shifting of seasons. That’s the lyricism of Kokinshu. I’d like to delve into its beauty by introducing some examples in the following posts.


One of My Pet Peeves is…: Sei Shonagon and Her Language


We all know too well that making a mistake makes us feel awkward and annoyed. For a change, why not think about failure from a different point of view?  Sei Shonagon, one of the most renowned Japanese women writers from the 11th century, wrote about pet peeves in her great classic prose, “Makura no Soshi (The Pillow Book)”, a thick volume of notes with as many as 300 chapters. OK. Here is what she says:



Annoying and helpless are the things like these:
You’ve finished writing a poem, or a reply, and only after have you sent out someone with it, you think that a couple of words should be changed.
You’ve finished sewing something in a hurry and you pulled out the needle in full satisfaction, then you notice that you forgot to make a knot at the end of the thread.


Arguably, at the age of 28, she started to serve as a lady-in-waiting to Empress Teishi, 18, much respected for her sophistication. The Pillow Book contains a variety of topics such as diary entries, character sketches and detailed record of upper-class Court life. Her language is varied but compressed, rapturous in adoration for Empress but still lyrical. The limpid beauty of her language marked by repetitiveness, which might be too banal and naïve for Western readers, gives the passages a stylistic rhythm and musicality that still resonate with modern Japanese readers. What do you think?


Tag: Dear Mistakes…
Mistakes are The Norm
Danger Keep Out
Trouble Is A Friend
Variations Sauvages
One of My Pet Peeves is… Sei Shonagon and Her Language

For All Eternity: Basho’s Poetics


Here is the opening part of his most popular travel prose, “Oku no Hosomichi (The Back-country Trails)”. Aesthetic sensitivity here is a little different from other conventional Japanese attitude toward life and beauty.



The Months and days. They’re on a journey for all eternity. The years that come and go. They’re also wayfarers. Transporters grow old making a living on ships or leading workhorses. They are travelers for ever. They find their homes wherever their travels take them.


The common attitude toward the fact that life is too short is to regretfully lament over and find sentimental beauty in its frailty or to focus on the present and be determined to make the best of what you have now. Basho, however, jumps into the gushing current of life. He tries to ride the life’s mane, not knowing where the journey takes him.


The Stillness: Basho’s Poetics


Matsuo Basho, a haiku master in the 17th century, is famous for his travel journal, Oku no Hosomichi (The Back-country Trails). He is arguably the greatest master of all haiku literature. What makes him stand out is his focus on the creation of a unity of perception and expression, though he sometimes revised his poems over and over again. To be genuine you need to share in the life of an object.One of the most popular haiku is one he wrote when visiting a rustic temple at the top of the rugged mountain and finding himself in its serene and ethereal atmosphere.

閑かさや shizukasaya
岩にしみ入る iwa ni shimiiru
蝉の声 semi no koe

The stillness
Permeating the rocks
cicadas’ trill

The ideal of Basho’s poetics is to achieve “不易流行(Hueki Ryuko)”: standing the test of time while moving with the times. Seemingly contradicting but ideally integrated, his poetics has survived for ages. At the age of 37, he decided to retreat from snobbish salon society and to search for a way to incorporate poetry into everyday life, then he went on a journey to lend himself to soul-searching. After the journey he gradually added to his austere poetry some humor and a more down-to-earth, laid-back tone. Basho, as a spiritual seeker at the expense of urban, social, efficient life style, knew very well that life is compared to a journey and he lived out his principle.




Let Life Flow


With its variability and frailty, what do you compare life to? Let’s look into the opening of “Diary from a Cabin” by Kamo no Tchomay, which is one of the most famous prose in Japanese literature.



Rivers never cease to flow and never stay the same. Even where the water looks stagnant, the bubbles rise, form and disappear with no exception. Nothing stays the same even in human society – man and his home… One is to die in the morning. Another is to be born in the evening. Everything is in an ever-changing flow of birth and death.
– Kamo no Tchomay Diary from a Cabin


{Read more…} “Let Life Flow


Full moon, Full bloom


Why is it that your heart throbs to see the clouds covering the moon, the withered flowers on the ground?花は盛りに、月は隈なきをのみ見るものかは。雨にむかひて月を恋ひ、垂れこめて春の行方知らぬも、なほあはれに情け深し。咲きぬべきほどの梢、散りしをれたる庭などこそ見どころ多けれ。

Who says we should appreciate cherry blossoms only when they are in full bloom, the moon only when it glows without covering clouds? There is something more touching in wishing to see the moon behind the dark, rainy skies or doing nothing but imagine how spring passes us by behind the closed shades. Truly remarkable are bursting buds on the treetops, gardens dotted with faded flowers.
– Kenko Ramblings


One of the striking characteristic features of Japanese traditional sensitivity is sensing something that is not around – loss, distance, lack, something hidden or out of sight, or incompleteness. It’s about the moon behind the clouds. It’s about failing to see something enjoyable.

In appreciating beauty, imagination still plays a significant role. The image you get with the naked eye is what is passively received; what cannot be seen stirs up imagery in mind. Sometimes regrets or disappointments over failing to see blossoms can evoke aesthetically deeper feelings than joy and pleasure you get by seeing blossoms in full bloom.

Another factor is suggestion. Suggestion comes into play when something is about to happen and something is gone. Beauty resides in the process or transition from the beginning – through the middle – to the end, just as stories can not be told without any of these three stages. The beginning suggests promise; the end reminiscences. Buds suggest their coming prime; fallen, faded flowers their past. This attitude allows you to see things the way they are, to be aware of a rich story behind what can be seen and to find that beauty abounds.

Beauty cannot be appreciated only when something is in the prime or in each stage of its transition. See beauty in its whole transition just as incompleteness suggests past effort and future growth. Take things as a whole, in their transition. Then you can take on the universe.





Shades and Absence

額田王「君待つと わが恋ひをれば わが屋戸の簾動かし 秋の風吹く」英語訳

What about Japanese culture fascinates me? Its attention to shades over lights, absence over presence. As pensive and pathetic as it may sound, it is a void in your heart that evokes your reminiscences of people, things and events. An unattended tea cup, empty space at the dining table or a lone laughter in front of the TV set, all of these are a reminder of the loss of, separation or being away from loved ones. It even makes you feel they might be around or alive here or there when you feel the wind blow or when the night falls. This sensibility is pretty universal, for it has been sung in many different forms of poetries in history. For comparison, let me take two examples: one dates back to the 7th century Japan and the other to the 19th century New England.


君待つと わが恋ひをれば わが屋戸の
簾動かし 秋の風吹く
ー 額田王
 kimi matsuto waga koi oreba waga yadono
 sudare ugokashi akino kaze huku

恋しいあなたをひとり待つ 部屋の簾が
揺れたのは 秋の風が吹き抜けたから

Alone in my room… in longing… the blinds…
rustling… in the Autumn wind
– Nukata no Ohkimi


Water, is taught by thirst.
Land – by the Oceans passed.
Transport – by throe –
Peace – by its battles told –
Love, by Memorial Mold –
Birds, by the Snow.
– Emily Dickinson

陸地は ― はるばる越えてきた海が。
歓喜は ― 苦痛が
平和は ― 戦いの物語が
愛は ― 思い出の品が

ー エミリー・ディキンソン

These two don’t depict things themselves but imagination and sentiments they arouse. Absence speaks aloud, in reserved longing and quiet contemplation. Later on in history people built astonishingly ostentatious shrines even deep in the mountains and much later on, today, we see architectural mishmash of Tokyo and their slapdash concrete environs. Do we need to become a hermit and build a hermitage on an isolated moor or prairie to be away from distractions and noise? No. Just try to see what is not here and listen to silence.


Flawless Completion Is Something Undesirable


Learning is something of a journey with no perfection in sight.


In everything, flawless completion is something undesirable. Intriguing is leaving something incomplete so that there is room for growth. – Kenko Ramblings


With all knowledge and experience you have, you still get your skills radar chart showing that you lack a particular skill(s), which means that what you get is something far from the perfect hexagonal chart. You still lack fluency. You get the feeling of missing something, a rough and coarse texture. Dents and repairs. But it’s through your yesterday’s embarrassments and surprise over cultural gaps that you gain insights. That’s what makes growth possible. Assured, decided and committed to what really matters, you let the greatness shine through. That’s the beauty of imperfection.
