Where is My Mind: In The Attempt

Sunday Girl、歌詞(Lyrics)『Where is My Mind?』日本語訳(Japanese translation)

Albert Camus is considered to be a philosopher of absurdity. But it seems that the concept of absurdity is pretty much misunderstood. Absurdity does not mean that life is meaningless, pointless or hopeless. It’s not just a philosophical concept. Rather, it gives us an explanation to our flesh and blood feel of struggling through life.


Mais ce qui est absurde, c’est la confrontation de cet irratiionnel et de ce désir éperdu de clarté dont l’appel résonne au plus profond de l’homme. Albert Camus – Le mythe de Sisyphe

Absurdity, as Camus defines it, does not refer to the irrational itself but to a contradicting human desire. We know too well that many things in life come up in a random way but we are obsessed with finding meaning, logic or reason behind them. Our life revolves around a certain circle of supportive and beloved people, some of whom will be gone sooner or later. Even when we want to and make some efforts to follow a certain path of life, life gets an unexpected turn. Nonetheless, we desperately seek the value and meaning in those practices and events in life. That is what Camus calls absurdity.


The following song is a really good example of challenging our desire to seek meaning.

Sunday Girl – Where Is My Mind

その足は宙に 頭は地面に
頭はぺっちゃんこ だって 頭なんて空っぽでしょ
そして自問する いったいどうなってんだ?

小さな魚たちだけが 教えてくれた
必死に 何か言っていた 「コイツが鯉です」

大海原で見たんです そいつは泳いでいたんです

The Myth Of Sisyphus: In The Attempt

Albert Camusアルベール・カミュ『シーシュポスの神話』日本語訳(Traduction japonaises)

Our day-to-day challenges are really exhausting such as feeling disappointed at the results after all the efforts you made, another problem coming up right after you solved one, tragic incidents happening all around. Our life and efforts sometimes seem to be a meaningless run on the running-wheel. In exploring the topics around “In The Attempt”, or ubiquitous human efforts to reach for something that is out of sight, this sense of meaninglessness starts to loom over our prospects. Let’s consider this problem by looking at the key concept in “Le mythe de Sisyphe” by Albert Camus.

Les dieux avaient condamné Sisyphe à rouler sans cesse un rocher jusqu’au sommet d’une montagne d’où la pierre retombait par son propre poids. Ils avaient pensé avec quelque raison qu’il n’est pas de punition plus terrible que le travail inutile et sans espoir.  Le mythe de Sisyphe by Albert Camus

The biggest pain of the punishment can be explained by the fact that although he is well aware of his unrequited effort, he never stops his labor that is of no use. How despairing it is to see the rock rolling down the hill after your reaching the top of the hill. However, Camus made a logical turn. The point is, Sisyphus doesn’t climb the hill only once but endlessly. You would be disappointed to see the rock rolling down once you reached the top, but what is more painful is that you know that tragedy inevitably happens and, nevertheless, you are enforced to perform the duty ceaselessly.


(…) A chacun de ces instants, où il quitte les sommets et s’enfonce peu à peu vers les tanières des dieux, il est supérieur à son destin. Il est plus fort que son rocher. (…) quand l’appel du bonheur se fait trop pesant, il arrive que la tristesse se lève au cœur de l’homme: c’est la victoire du rocher, c’est le rocher lui-même. (…) Mais les vérités écrasantes périssent d’être reconnues. Le mythe de Sisyphe by Albert Camus
(…) 頂上から神々の巣窟まで戻って行く度ごとに、シーシュポスは運命を制圧していた。転がる岩に勝利していたのだ。(…) 幸せの呼び声を重圧と感じるとき、哀しみが人の心に湧き上がる。それは岩の方の勝利だ。岩の重苦しさそのものだ。(…) しかし、この重い真実は、認識されることで消滅してくれるのだ。

Sisyphus is aware of a recurrence of torturing duty, but he makes an intentional decision to face the futile. That’s his triumph over fate. Our everyday life is full of these fertile practices – what you worked hard for bears no fruits, what you created is soon to be crumbled, what you believe you kept in mind is gone. But if you do your best, create and remember something while understanding all will be gone anyhow, you will feel that you are focused and committed and that it is nonetheless meaningful and valuable.


Il y a deux sortes d’hommes, ceux qui subissent le destin, et ceux qui choisissent de le subir. Le Coran

This passage tells us the value of resigning yourself to fate and choosing a rough and thorny path, instead of wailing over merciless fate. Through our everyday existence, we could choose a life in which you always stop to think about the consequences of your choices, do conscious decision-making and face an uphill struggle, instead of following a beaten path. We could also follow an unorthodox but ethical lifestyle with little modern convenience of well-commercialized goods and services.


Fate, for Camus, is no doubt our inevitable truth: death. In terms of literal death and loss of something, only after do we resign ourselves to fate, we can say “all is well”. Anything you do care about will be gone sooner or later. Only when are you aware of this truth, caring about something starts to bear true meaning and value. Being aware of the truth is not a tragedy but a euphoric leap.


A Glimpse of Humor: In The Attempt


We are more or less exposed to minor nervous breakdowns on a daily basis. We sometimes feel weary of and overwhelmed by an enormity and gravity of powerlessness or futility. It might be that you hit the rock bottom, that you get stuck in the middle of nowhere or that you are lost and low from total lack of confidence in yourself. Quite a few ancient poems bring home these painful feelings, some of which are so pathetic that we are even taken aback. Do you remember a waka by Izumi Shikibu and Princess Shikishi? Her words were of almost heartbreaking pathos. But there is an occasional glimpse of humor in the ornate and solemn facade of the ancient anthology. Here is a surprisingly humorous waka from Kokinshu, one of the greatest anthologies from the 10th century, singing about despair.


よのなかの うきたびごとに みをなげば ふかきたにこそ あさくなりなめ
yononakano ukitabigotoni miwo nageba fukaki tanikoso asaku nariname

Each and every worldly concern
Would drive you crazy and you might as well throw yourself into the valley
But, wait a minute, see how its bottom comes up and up at every turn

辛いことがあるたびに身投げしていたら 深い谷も浅くなってしまうよ

It seems that this sort of sarcastic humor has not been fully accepted and established yet here in Japan. This country has taken a keep-calm-and-carry-on attitude. As resigned and patient to fate as we seem, we sill have something more to learn from what was written more than a thousand years ago.

Life on Hold and Princess Shikishi: In The Attempt


Take the initiative, make a difference and move your life forward. These seem to be a golden rule of our time. We are forced to stick to it. We are actually able to live it out. Motivational songs and books abound. However, there are and were some people who are not allowed to make choices on their own life. Let’s look at a waka by a woman who wasn’t allowed to, or decided not to, step forward while struggling to keep her voice unheard.

日に千たび 心は谷に投げ果てて 有にもあらず 過る我が身は
hini chitabi kokorowa tanini nagehatete arunimoarazu suguru wagamiwa

Thousands of times a day
Throwing myself into the abyss of despair
Letting my life rot away
My whole existence is forever on hold


Princess Shikishi (1151?-1201) was born into the imperial family. Her father was Emperor Goshirakawa, who was a great historic figure at the time of the two clans of the Minamoto and Taira clashing and gaining more political power over the aristocratic central government. Imagining life at imperial court may involve daydream of outrageously lavish housing, food and clothing. But her life was different. For as men who were not in line to the Imperial Throne were enforced to become priests, so there were unmarried women who were chosen to serve the shrine.

Grief permeates her poems. How despairing it is to go by a strict set of rules imposed on every aspect of life, be enforced to stay unmarried and shelve life opportunities, and be left with no alternative but to forsake the world and let her life rot away. It is believed that she had a persistent longing for Fujiwara no Teika, who edited “The Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets” and Honen, who created Jodo Buddhist sect and taught people the importance of faith in Amida Buddha over ascetic practices. But her love was unfulfilled and had nowhere to turn.


The main purpose of this series is to illustrate the significance and value of whatever “in the attempt”. The interest centers mainly on being unable to achieve or choosing not to achieve. We are still inspired by a composite of a state of helplessness, what is believed to be worthless, whatever beyond the bliss of attainment and accomplishment and an irrestible longing for worldly fruits of living. Despite our frantic worship of taking the initiative and speaking up, the fact that a voice is unheard doesn’t mean that the voice doesn’t exist in this world. Her words that she wrung out and put into poems seem to prove this point.


Astray and Izumi Shikibu: In The Attempt


Izumi Shikibu(978?-?) is one of the greatest woman poet in Japanese history. She was the contemporary of Murasaki Shikibu, who is best known for her 54-chapter epic novel, the Tale of Genji. Her waka is characterized by overwhelming sentimental tone in view of the time she lived. She went through a lot of relationship issues, like those described in fairy tales or films, such as romance crossing over differences of social rank and subsequent scandal, and another with her ex’s brother and sudden painful losses of loved ones. But whether having knowledge of her background or not, we all find her songs and herself endearing through her works.

She is well-known for her sequence of affairs at the court. She got married at the age around 18 or 19 to Tachibana no Michisada, who soon became governor of Izumi. While in her marriage, she was in love with Emperor’s son, Prince Tametaka, who died young in the middle of their relationship. After her divorce, she was then courted by Tametaka’s brother, Prince Atsumichi, who also died a few years later. The first ten months of this affair are described in her semi-autobiography, a composite of prose and poetry, Diary of Izumi Shikibu. After having started serving at the court, she married to Fujiwara no Yasumasa, an acclaimed governor, who was about 20 years older than her. It is at this point that she wrote the following waka with the prefatory note saying, “When my lover started getting distant, detached and coming over less often, I visited Kibune and saw fireflies flitting here and there over the creek.”


mono omoheba sawano hotarumo wagamiyori akugare ni keru tamatozo miru

O Fireflies flashing over the stream
I thought of you as my soul straying out of my body
While heartbroken, lost in thoughts


And this is something more than a lovesick song. The first question to be discussed is “soul leaving your body”. It was believed that the soul is capsulated in the body but it flushes out of the body at times of deep and pensive thought. That is called “Akugaru (leaving and yearning)”. How can these stray souls make out the right path then? She had the answer in another waka.


kuraki yori kuraki michini irinubeki harukani terase yamanohano tsuki

We are to walk in darkness
Towards the realm of craving and cluelessness
O the moon peeking over the hills in the distance
Let your heavenly light shine before us

煩悩の暗い道から また暗い道へと入って行ってしまうのだろう
山の端で光る月よ この道を照らしてください

It is believed that she composed this waka in her early 20’s. It sounds like she was anticipating suffering in her later life, where her soul burned with the pain of unassuaged longing. The moonlight symbolizes the Buddhism truth that reorients people from spiritual defilement towards liberation. Those she loved were gone in the middle of romantic relationships. All her longing was on hold and adrift in darkness just as fireflies flitting about. She knew that she had to do something to get back on the right track; but, as the same time, she knew that there was nothing to be done about it. All she had to was look upon the moon and make a prayer.


Another point to be made here is about her second husband, Yasumasa. Some critics argue that Izumi Shikibu didn’t have a happy marriage with him. She composed the song of fireflies when he didn’t frequent her place. Let’s think about their state of love in his shoes. He knew that she was madly in love with brothers of noble family consecutively, which was a huge scandal at the court, and he also sensed that her love and longing were still directed towards those two old lovers, not him. He was great at business, but deep down he would probably feel confused, try to distance himself, pull back. So he was seemingly less interested in their own relationship. This obviously makes for a good amount of angst on both parties. Probably both needed to deal with their own feelings in a way the other just don’t understand. This sounds a universal relationship issue, but that state of uncertainty and hesitancy is the very arena where people care about each other and try to step into vulnerability and possibility beyond.


What makes her poems so attractive is that her life can be seen as a composite of sense and sensitivity, faith and fear, bravery and fragility. Stepping forward while knowing you never get back on the right track, awkwardly reaching out a hand to grab hold of truth, shuttling between two different attitudes towards life, consuming time caring about someone. All that we do in longing, caring are in the attempt.



Incompleteness: In The Attempt


Many songs and literary works have been made in any corners on the planet in history by human longing for home. Home is not just tangible but more psychological and the notion of home is conceivably tied to reminiscences, the act of reaching out, and a restless feeling of incompleteness. We’re going to figure out how to describe these attempts by examining their value and meaning.

Home often takes shape with nostalgia or on being away from it, associated with homeland. Home doesn’t necessarily refer to a physical environment but to feeling anchored and feeling right within your own skin and mind. Home is not a certain existence as people come and go. It is some space for you to fit in in this world where something is always missing. Home can be remembered in relationship to others and can be found in the vision and the process to achieve it. As our existence is constantly exposed to uncertainty, home emerges in the loneliness and in the attempt.


Pilgrimage in Japan is centered on its process and experiences and thoughts you get along the way rather than its goals. You put yourself in the balance between comfortable, pleasant memories and expectations of achievement.


Some points in our life, we all get stuck in the middle of this state of incompleteness between having left something behind and having yet to do. Quitting your job, breakups. It is, however, these experiences that make a big difference in your life. When learning something new, you get excited about broadening your horizons but, at the same time, you feel desperate about your goals in a good distance. In relationship with others, we often get bogged down. We feel hopeless when our love, thoughts or care are all like a question without an answer. However, there are still hope and significance in the attempt at understanding between human beings in a narrow sense and between cultures broadly.


Significance of the attempt lies in the state of this dear “incompleteness” of ours, where both the past and the future are in sight rather than focusing just on this moment or on things withing your arm length. It’s like a jump up into the air. With your feet off the ground and your hands holding nothing. Does it sound too romantic? We’re going to look at examples illustrating this in the next posts.


Pilgrim: In Search of Home


Bokusui Wakayama (1885-1928) made lots of songs about and on traveling. Many of his waka reflect the underlying notion about traveling: “あくがる (akugaru)”. This verb originally refers to letting your soul leaving your body, your feeling attracted to something, and your leaving a place you are supposed to be at and starting to roam. Let’s see what he says.

けふもまた こころの鉦をうち鳴らし うち鳴らしつつ あくがれていく

Another mile to go today
Let this pilgrim’s handbell ring
Resonant in my mind
Yearning, roaming

今日も 巡礼者のごとく 鉦(かね)を心に響かせ 道を求めて行こう

What is striking here is a pilgrimage metaphor. Let’s examine here pilgrimage and then its link to the concept of “Home”. Pilgrimage entails the notion of leaving and touring. Many of the people go on a pilgrimage by leaving their normal lives to find new meanings because everyday circumstances and social contexts seem to some people so restrictive that they feel propelled to break away from what is familiar to them.


Pilgrimage in Japan is usually called junrei, which combines “touring (jun)” and “worshipping (rei)”. Pilgrimage routes are not always designed to visiting a single sacred site but contain several spots religiously linked together in a wider area. More importantly, pilgrimage is not necessarily centered on visiting sacred sites or performing the rituals but on journeying on the pilgrimage path. It is viewed as a journey on a spiritual path towards enlightenment.


The items along with pilgrim’s handbell mentioned in the song are useful to think about pilgrimage as a spiritual journey from one point to the other. To mark them out as pilgrims, people travel in particular clothing. They wear white pilgrimage shroud that indicates purity and death. The handbell to pilgrims in Japan is what the scallop shell to those to Santiago de Compostela. Pilgrimage shroud and its death symbolism are accompanied by the notion of spiritual rebirth and renewal into this world.


Going on a pilgrimage reflects human condition of restlessness at the root. Pilgrims leave their normal lives and tour around but they are never aimless. They have somewhere specific to get. It will be a physical place or spiritual destination.


The concept of pilgrimage as a life journey helps us understand the concept of “Home”. At some point of your life you might have to leave your home, not knowing if there is any other place like home. You might move out, move abroad. You might not be able to continue to live where you have lived for years. You might leave your family behind. Oftentimes you feel that your body has moved out of your familiar circle but your heart won’t leave and stays there. Practically, however, you need to construct your life at a new location physically and psychologically. You need to move on dragging your anchor.


When you go on a travel, you leave your home, leaving behind what you feel secure, comfortable and attached with. Anticipations of being in a foreign land will cause a contradiction. You are probably excited about new experiences, but at the same time, you expect a dash of familiarity. You often see people stopping at Starbucks or McDonald’s during their trip or Japanese people searching for an authentic Japanese restaurant. You are pulled into two different directions of leaving and staying home all the time.


These inner conflicts are reflected in Bokusui’s works. Despite his love of his homeland, he always wants to see new places. In warmth and comfort you are savoring, you are in throes of seeking new horizons. “Akugaru (leaving and yearning)” can be viewed as shuttling between these two different dimensions, and then being in the attempt.


We have looked into the concept of “Home” so far by several different perspectives and reached the point of seeing another concept “In The Attempt”, which is going to be the topic we discuss in the next series.

ここまで「Home」という概念について様々な視点から考えてきました。そして今、「In The Attempt」という別の概念に辿り着きました。それを次に考えていきましょう。


Series: In Search of Home

Pilgrim: In Search of Home

Prepared: In Search of Home

Away: In Search of Home

Coco: In Search of Home

Moon Palace: In Search of Home

Rappelle-moi: In Search of Home

Fear: In Search of Home

Who Knows: In Search of Home

Anchor: In Search of Home

Home: In Search of Home

Prepared: In Search of Home


Bokusui Wakayama (1885-1928) is one of the most popular modern poets. Many of his waka (short poems) were made during his trip around Japan. He knew there is no end in his spiritual journey but he was determined to go on another journey every day. In that sense he was a modern vagabond.



How many mountains and rivers I need to cross
Before I get to a land where loneliness never prevails?
I’m prepared for this journey just as I was yesterday.

幾つの山や河を越えていけば 寂しさの無い国に辿り着くのだろうか いや無理だろう だとしても今日も旅に出よう

There is an undertone of the loss of or absence of “Home” in his songs too. There is no end in the search of a place where you feel no loneliness, no worries or no frustrations. Samishisa usually refers to loneliness. But here it could mean something different. What feeling this could be?  When do you feel like you reach out only to grab hold of nothing? What do you sigh about? When do you feel helplessness?


When you have some concern over relationships, it might be difficulty in finding people near you with whom you would share anything important to you, in spending quality time with your loved ones, or in stepping further in your relationship. Socially, it might be difficulty in confirming to the crowd, in letting go of mean reactions from thoughtless people, or in getting people to understand what you really mean. When you think about aging, it might be difficulty in accepting the fact that you get old or that your body gets weaker, or in leaving anything meaningful to the next generation. When you think about personal growth, it might be difficulty in curving out time for activities that matter to you, in seeing positive outcome of your efforts, or in finding a balance between benefiting others and nourishing yourself. When you are going through hardships, it might be difficulty in showing resilience or integrity in hard times, or in getting support to your day-to-day survival.


We live our life, entangled in these feelings between sadness, frustrations and helplessness. And we all know well that once you get over one frustrating situation, you will face another very soon. Bokusui sings about the same theme in another song.



I must leave
And I’m sure I’ll find another mountain to cross where I get
Are you really prepared for this hopelessness?

さあ行くぞ 辿り着いたところでまた知らぬ山が現れる そんな寂しさに 君は耐えられるか

It’s like a journey during which you need to cross one mountain after another, one river after another. Right on arrival, something new comes up and breaks your heart. That’s our day-to-day journey. There is no end. This song asks us how prepared we are to take on this journey every day.


Series: In Search of Home

Pilgrim: In Search of Home

Prepared: In Search of Home

Away: In Search of Home

Coco: In Search of Home

Moon Palace: In Search of Home

Rappelle-moi: In Search of Home

Fear: In Search of Home

Who Knows: In Search of Home

Anchor: In Search of Home

Home: In Search of Home

Away: In Search of Home


Here is another great modern Japanese poem. This poem, by Saisei Muro (1889-1962), is from his anthology called “The Lyrical Sketches”. This is also a poem on the concept of “Home” and expresses the pathos that strongly and continuously resonates with many Japanese people. Saisei Muro left his hometown with literary aspirations for Tokyo, where he had a hard time and eventually shuttled between Tokyo and his hometown. This poem was obviously written when he decided to leave his northen hometown, Kanazawa, for Tokyo.


“Home” described here is again tied geographically to land and psychologically to loss. It is not until you are away from it that you can fully understand how significant your homeland is to you. Home starts to bear a more profound meaning when you lose it. In the last stanza he makes a decision to leave his hometown and go back to the big city. With his life driven pell-mell by the hustle and bustle of the city, his deep and desperate yearning for his hometown is something that he survives on.



Home is what you yearn for
When away from your home

Home is what you sing of
In a sad tone

You may sink into penury
On a foreign land

That’s the last place
You would return to

As the twilight comes on
And I’m all on my own

Nostalgia sweeps over
And I feel tears well in my eyes

With my longing at heart
I’ll make another stay in the city
Far from home.



Series: In Search of Home

Pilgrim: In Search of Home

Prepared: In Search of Home

Away: In Search of Home

Coco: In Search of Home

Moon Palace: In Search of Home

Rappelle-moi: In Search of Home

Fear: In Search of Home

Who Knows: In Search of Home

Anchor: In Search of Home

Home: In Search of Home

Coco: In Search of Home


This post is going to be another unusual post because I’m going to introduce a Japanese song to give another perspective on the concept of “Home.” The poetry below is originally written by Toson Shimazaki (1872-1943). Romanticism in his poems has reached to a great height of ever-green lyricism. Combined with melodic elegance and innocence, nostalgia and reminiscences of the past are conjured up in a pleasant way. His attempt to create a longer verse in a modern style at the dawn of modern Japanese literature was a great success, leaving some poems nationally popular to the extent which some senior citizens still recite them on top of their head. This is considered to be one of the best poems representing the general sentimentality of Japanese people.


To many Japanese people, the concept of “Home” has been linked strongly to land. It is something you picture in mind when you are most away from where you were. It is something you have lost. It is something you will never get back. The sentimentality of Japanese people is characterized by these concepts of loss, unattainableness. Throughout history, people have shown keen sympathy for pathetic stories of tragic heroes and samurai warriors and people in exile.




Washed ashore is a coco
From an island whose name I never know

Far away is your homeland
How many months your voyage’s spanned

Fully grown is your mother tree
With ever-growing palms forming a canopy

Sailing with no one but me
Nights have been spent on the restless sea

Clasped to my bosom
The coco reminds me how far-off I have become

Over the foreign waters sets the sun
Through my cheeks briny tears start to run

My longing will sail the form
And some day find its way home



Series: In Search of Home

Pilgrim: In Search of Home

Prepared: In Search of Home

Away: In Search of Home

Coco: In Search of Home

Moon Palace: In Search of Home

Rappelle-moi: In Search of Home

Fear: In Search of Home

Who Knows: In Search of Home

Anchor: In Search of Home

Home: In Search of Home