Tribute to Autumn: Lyricism of Kokinshu

『古今集(古今和歌集)』和歌「あききぬと めにはさやかに みえねども かぜのおとにぞ おどろかれぬる」英語訳

On the first day of autumn by the lunar calendar, as the first song in the 4th volume of Kokinshu dedicated to Autumn, Fujiwara no Toshiyuku paid a tribute to the beginning of the season.

あききぬと めにはさやかに みえねども かぜのおとにぞ おどろかれぬる
aki kinuto meniwa sayakani mienedomo kazeno otonizo odorokarenuru

How can you see autumn come?
You can hear it in the wind.

You can’t see explicitly if the autumn has already arrived but you notice it when you hear the sound of the wind.
秋が来たと 目でははっきりとは分からないけど 風の音で 秋だなと気づかされるなあ

Fujiwara no Toshiyuki is well-known as one of the 36 great poets from the Heian era. The sensation he got in the autumn wind is no different from what we feel today. What he did well is incorporating different sensory perceptions – visual and auditory – into this song despite the constraint of 31 words of Waka. Though many of the poems in Kokinshu were wrote about 1000 years ago, they still speak to modern readers like us when we look around and pay attention to how nature works and what nature brings us from season to season.


Acrostic Poems: Lyricism of Kokinshu

『古今集(古今和歌集)』和歌「からころも きつつなれにし つましあれば はるばるきぬる たびをしぞおもふ」英語訳

One of the features of the Kokinshu anthology is its well-crafted style, whose overuse was criticized later in history. Here is one of the techniques: Acrostic poems. You can read particular letters of each line that spell a word. Kokinshu is predominantly written in Kana, which made this technique possible. When Ariwara no Narihira finds Kakitsubata (a rabbit-ear iris) on the roadside and decides to sing while wriggling puns and the subject acrostically.


らころも つつなれにし ましあれば るばるきぬる びをしぞおもふ (在原業平)
karakoromo kitutunarenishi tsumashi areba harubaru kinueu tabiwosizo omou

In the course of this tour
Ragged and worn-out is this robe
Intimate acquaintance I made
Sunk into my mind and heart


I incorporated Japanese acrostic technique in translating this poem into English. Read downwards, and you can find the first letter of each line spell “iris”. Even more, you can find some words related to each other (koromo: a robe, ki: to wear, naru: worn-out) and homonyms (tsuma: a hem/a woman, ki: to wear/to come). All of these became possible after the invention of Kana character. The underlying principle is to express the feelings through the medium of what you see and hear. Here he intentionally uses particular intermediary words to express the long way he labored while hinting his relationship with a woman.


Poetic Spirit: Lyricism of Kokinshu


Kokin wakashu, or Kokinshu , “The Anthology: Now and Then”, is the first imperial anthology of Japanese poems, Waka, in the 10th century. Its preface is well known because it is the first prose written in Kana characters instead of Kanji characters and tells a great deal about the aesthetic sensitivity of a certain period of the history of Japanese literature.



Our poems
Are born of our kernel hearts
Grow into millions of leaves


The world of mankind
teeming with earthly business
Finds a path for sensations
through whatever catches our eyes and ears


Nightingales warble in flowers
Frogs croak at the pond
The living things
Are all endowed with
Poetic spirit


Our poems
Give the universe an effortless turn
Derive much inspiration from divine spirits
Soothe feelings between men and women
And subdue warrior fearlessness

The anthology is characterized by its first collection of poems with crafted style, puns and humor. Modern critics under influence of European literature, however, undermined its value, arguing that poems from Kokinshu are dull and boring because they seem too romantic, too stylized and lack objectivity. Waka in the modern era try to capture and depict things as they are. On the contrary, the virtue of waka from Kokinshu is to “find a path for sensations through whatever catches our eyes and ears”. They always likened the human feelings to living things, nature and shifting of seasons. That’s the lyricism of Kokinshu. I’d like to delve into its beauty by introducing some examples in the following posts.
