Loneliness and Snow: Lyricism of Kokinshu


When snow carpets the ground, your lives seem shut off from the rest of the world. No one dares to visit you in the mountains. Having no contact with the outside world, you seem like inexistent. Here is a short poem from Kokinshu, another old anthology dating back to the 10th century, describing that kind of sentiment.

雪降りて 人もかよはぬ 道なれや あとはかもなく 思ひ消ゆらむ

ゆきふりて ひともかよはぬ みちなれや
あとはかもなく おもひきゆらむ

The snow-covered garden, with no prints or dots
On the front path leading to my place
There is hardly a trace left of my thoughts

When snow shields you from access, you feel like your existence gets muted, blanketed and swept away. You eat and sleep but your life seem to have nothing to do with affairs other people concern themselves with. Even your thoughts get scattered in the silence and lose a tie to what you have been through.

We place relationships at the center of human existence and are expected to interact with the world — be present. However, solitary activities do help deepen our connection to our own life.

Snow provides us with a mental cushion from the external stimulation, and some space we need to reflect. As invisible to others as they are, you can incubate the ideas, reconnecting ourselves with our experiences and desires. Let the silence settle.

Prendre un nouveau départ

四字熟語(Locutions japonaises)「心機一転」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)

Vous traversez une période difficile et rien ne va bien dans votre vie. C’est ainsi vous avez décidé de prendre un parti et vous mettre en état de commencer quelque chose d’autre, puis vous dites…

「心機一転」chinki itten

iroiro arimachita kedo, chinki itten gambaro to omoimasu.
Je suis tous passé par là, mais je suis résolu à prendre un nouveau départ.

心:coeur, esprit
機:occasion, chance
転:change, tour, tomber

En apprenant quelque chose de nouveau, vous atteignez un palier en chemin. Vous vous sentez frustré. Vous vous attendiez à faire des progrès au début parce que vous ne saviez pas ce que vous alliez à apprendre. Mais vous sentez que vous ne faites plus progrès. Vous vous enlisez dans les toiles d’araignée. Vous ne reprenez plus le fil de vos idées que sont terriblement emmêlés. Vous ne trouvez pas la sortie.

Il paraît opportun de regarder le chemin que vous avez creusé dans la neige de la nouveauté. La situation actuelle prouve que vous avez fait de mouvement progressif d’une étape à l’autre. Ôtez les idées obsédantes. Vous ne voyez pas plus loin que le bout de votre nez. Levez la tête et regardez autour de vous, et alors relativisez les choses. Faites une pause pour un instant pour se ressaisir, et puis trouvez-vous sur un plan. Vous ainsi pouvez regarder la réalité en face.

フランス語で四字熟語(Locutions japonaises)
「一生懸命」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)
「器用貧乏」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)
「以心伝心」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)
「大器晩成」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)
「一期一会」フランス語訳(Traduction fraçaise)

Yugen and Snow Falling Through the Branches: Lyricism of Kokinshu


When you are waiting for someone to come so long and getting so nervous that every tiny bit of sign seems to indicate the arrival. At the times when aristocratic houses were not fully enclosed by the walls, the wintertime was especially hard to get through. People took note of any signs indicating warmer springtime. The following is a cute description of taking snowflakes for blossoms.


ふゆごもり おもひかけぬを このまより
はなとみるまで ゆきぞふりける

Everything is curled up in the winter cold
There you see falling snow through the branches
As flowers are always a joy to behold

Describing the act of watching snow falling on and on, the song conjures up all the relating imagery: the cold wind that finds its way into the room, the sunlight glaring off the snow and ice, snowflakes drifting down from the trees and snow occasionally plopping onto the ground.

“Yugen” is a concept that is defined as the enigmatic profoundness or simple, tranquil beauty that avoids gaudiness and is implicitly discerned in an austere but refined manner.

All the hustle and bustle of the New Year’s are a bit away and silence brooded on. Reality gets dissolved into the silence.

New Year’s and the Snow: Manyo (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves)


Manyo-shu is the oldest anthology of short poems (waka, directly translated as short songs) in Japanese history, including 20 volumes and 4,536 short poems and Chinese verse. This huge collection ends with the following poem.


あたらしき としのはじめの はつはるの
きょうふるゆきの いやしけよごと

On this New Year’s day
As auspicious snow falls on and on
May joys be blooming on our way

For some people snow brings refreshing feel of a white, sparkly winter wonderland and sweet reminiscences of their childhood while for others it’s all about permanently runny nose and flushed cheeks as well as curing up in oversized sweater and keeping shoveling the snow.

This song is written on the New Year’s day, 759, with provincial governors greeting the Ministry building. Ohtomo no Yakamochi, the leading poet from Manyo-shu, wrote it and was arguably one of the editors.

Snow was then believed to be an auspicious sign. Some people still have a positive attitude towards occasional snowfalls but for others it’s just another sign of a cold, bleak winter. People, centuries ago, seem to see something special in a change of the weathers, and of the years. We still learn how differently people see things happening from day to day.